
Class MFPJAXRSApplication

  • Deprecated. 
    Deprecated since V8.0, use {MFPJAXRSApplication instead.

    public class MFPJAXRSApplication
    extends MFPJAXRSApplication

    An extended JAX-RS Application class made to be used by MobileFirst Java Adapters.

    In addition to getSingletones() and getClasses() it also has "init" and "destroy" methods that will be called when initializing the JAX-RS application and when shutting it down.

    There is an additional feature of package scanning to find JAX-RS resources. Override the getPackageToScan or getPackagesToScan methods to customize which package(s) to scan. By default, the package of the application class will be scanned. For example: if your application class is: com.acme.restapp.MyApplication, then the package 'com.acme.restapp' will be scanned for JAX-RS resources.

    • Constructor Detail

      • MFPJAXRSApplication

        public MFPJAXRSApplication()

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