Two-Step adapter authentication

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This tutorial demonstrates how to implement "Two-Step" adapter-based authentication.

Two-Step means that after the initial authentication that uses, for example, a username and a password, an additional authentication step is required, such as a login pin, a secret word, or similar identification. In this example, a secret word is implemented for the second authentication step. The code snippets and sample application in this tutorial are based on the existing adapter-based authentication sample. The changes extend the application from single-step to Two-Step.

Session-independent mode

By default, MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1 applications run in a session-independent mode, meaning that you can no longer use HTTP sessions or global variables to persist data across requests. Instead, MobileFirst apps must use a third-party database to store applicative states.

To learn more about the session-independent mode, see its topic in the user documentation.

To demonstrate how to store user data, the tutorial uses the WL.Server.getClientId API and a Cloudant database.


Prerequisite - Creating an IBM Cloudant account

This sample uses IBM Cloudant Database to save user data. To run the sample and understand how to work with Cloudant, first sign up for a free account and create a database.
Then proceed as follows:

  • Change the database permissions - Follow the instructions in the Changing Database Permissions tutorial.
  • Basic authentication - The basic authentication value is passed as part of every request to the database. Instead of using your username and password to identify, use base-64 encoding to generate a string that is created by concatenating the API key and password, separated by a column character in the following manner: key:password. You use it later to send requests to the database.
    For more information, read the Cloudant Basic Authentication documentation.

Configuring the authenticationConfig.xml file


Add a realm or replace the existing AuthLoginModule realm in the realms section of the authenticationConfig.xml file:

<realm loginModule="AuthLoginModule" name="TwoStepAuthRealm">
    <parameter name="login-function" value="AuthAdapter.onAuthRequired"/>
    <parameter name="logout-function" value="AuthAdapter.onLogout"/>

Security tests

Add a security test or replace the existing AuthSecurityTest in the securityTests section of the authenticationConfig.xml file:

<customSecurityTest name="TwoStepAuthAdapter-securityTest">
    <test isInternalUserID="true" realm="TwoStepAuthRealm"/><
</customSecurityTest><br />

To review the remaining/existing sample components, see the Adapter-based authentication tutorial.

Creating the server-side authentication components

To put in place the Two-Step authentication process, several changes are necessary to the adapter file (whether XML or JavaScript) and to the database.

Adapter XML file

Edit the AuthAdapter.xml file:

  1. Change the domain name to your Cloudant domain:
  2. Add the following procedure:

    <procedure name="submitAuthenticationStep2" securityTest="wl_unprotected"/>
  3. Protect the getSecretData method with the new TwoStepAuthAdapter-securityTest

Adapter JavaScript file

Edit the AuthAdapter-impl.js file:

  1. Create a variable to save the basic authentication encoded string you have generated before:
  2. Create a variable to save your database name:
  3. Update the onAuthRequired function to return that authentication step 1 is required:
    function onAuthRequired(headers, errorMessage){
    	errorMessage = errorMessage ? errorMessage : null;
    	return {
    		authRequired: true,
    		authStep: 1,
    		errorMessage: errorMessage
  4. Update the submitAuthenticationStep1 function:
    • Add the following line to get the client ID:
      function submitAuthenticationStep1(username, password){
      	if (username === "user" && password === "password"){
      		WL.Logger.debug("Step 1 :: SUCCESS");
      		var clientId = WL.Server.getClientId();
      		var userIdentity = {
      				userId: username,
      				displayName: username,
      				attributes: {}
    • To save the userIdentity for the next authentication step, write it to the database. Use the clientId variable as the document _id key:
      		//Validate that the DB doesn't already contains the ClientId
      		var response = deleteUserIdentityFromDB(dbName, null);
      		//Write ClientId to DB
      		var response = writeUserIdentityToDB(dbName, {_id:clientId, "userIdentity":userIdentity});
    • If step 1 authentication was successful, return that step 2 is required:
      		if (response){
      			return {
      				authRequired: true,
      				authStep: 2,
      				question: "What is your pet's name?",
      				errorMessage : ""
      		} else {
      			return onAuthRequired(null, "Database ERROR");
      	} else{
      		WL.Logger.debug("Step 1 :: FAILURE");
      		return onAuthRequired(null, "Invalid login credentials");
  5. Add submitAuthenticationStep2 function to handle the second authentication step:
    • Get the client ID and read it from the database:
      function submitAuthenticationStep2(answer){
      	var clientId = WL.Server.getClientId();
      	var response = readUserIdentityFromDB(dbName, clientId);
    • If step 2 authentication was successful, delete the client document from database:
      	if (response){
      		if (answer === "Lassie"){
      			var doc = JSON.parse(response.text);
      			var userIdentity = doc.userIdentity;
      			WL.Logger.debug("Step 2 :: SUCCESS");
      			WL.Server.setActiveUser("TwoStepAuthRealm", userIdentity);
      			WL.Logger.debug("Authorized access granted");
      		    var response = deleteUserIdentityFromDB(dbName, doc);
      			return {
      				authRequired: false
      		} else{
      			WL.Logger.debug("Step 2 :: FAILURE");
      			return onAuthRequired(null, "Wrong security question answer");
      	} else {
      		WL.Logger.debug("Step 1 :: FAILURE");
      		return onAuthRequired(null, "Database ERROR");

Database actions

To handle the database actions, use the WL.Server.invokeHttp method and Cloudant REST API.

  • Write to the database:
    function writeUserIdentityToDB(db, document){
        var input = {
            method : 'post',
            returnedContentType : 'plain',
            path : db,
            headers: {
                contentType:'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
        var response = WL.Server.invokeHttp(input);
        var responseString = "" + response.statusCode;
        //Checking if the invocation was successful - status code = 2xx
        if (responseString.indexOf('2') === 0){
            return response;
        return null;
  • Read from database:
    function readUserIdentityFromDB(db, key){
        var input = {
            method : 'get',
            returnedContentType : 'plain',
            path : db + "/" + key,
            headers: {
        var response = WL.Server.invokeHttp(input);
        var responseString = "" + response.statusCode;</p>
        //Checking if the invocation was successful - status code = 2xx
        if (responseString.indexOf('2') === 0){
            return response;
        return null;
  • Delete from the database:
    function deleteUserIdentityFromDB(db, document){
        var doc = document;
        if (!doc){
            var clientId = WL.Server.getClientId();
            var response = readUserIdentityFromDB(dbName, clientId);
            } else {
                doc = JSON.parse(response.text);
        var id = doc._id; // The id of the doc to remove
        var rev = doc._rev; // The rev of the doc to remove
        var input = {
            method : 'delete',
            returnedContentType : 'plain',
            path : db + "/" + id + "?rev=" + rev,
            headers: {
        return WL.Server.invokeHttp(input);

To learn more about IBM Cloudant REST API, see the Cloudant documentation.

Creating the client-side authentication components

  1. In index.html, use the TwoStepAuthRealm instead of the existing realm:

    <div id="AppDiv">
        <input type="button" class="appButton" value="Logout" onclick="WL.Client.logout('TwoStepAuthRealm', {onSuccess:WL.Client.reloadApp})" />
        <div id="ResponseDiv"></div>
  2. Add a second authentication screen:

    <div id="AuthStep2Div">
        <h3>Authentication Step 2</h3>
        <p id="AuthQuestion"></p>
        <input type="text" placeholder="Enter answer" id="AuthAnswer"/><br />
        <input type="button" class="formButton" value="Submit" id="AuthStep2Submit" /><input type="button" class="AuthCancelButton" value="Cancel" />
  3. Finally, update the challenge handler accordingly.
    In this example, a new challenge handler (a new .js file), called TwoStepAuthRealmChallengeProcessor.js, is created for this purpose.

    • The response is checked as in the original sample application:

      var TwoStepAuthRealmChallengeHandler = WL.Client.createChallengeHandler("TwoStepAuthRealm");
      TwoStepAuthRealmChallengeHandler.isCustomResponse = function(response) {
          if (!response || !response.responseJSON	|| response.responseText === null) {
              return false;
          if (typeof(response.responseJSON.authRequired) !== 'undefined'){
              return true;
          } else {
              return false;
    • Add another case for the second authentication step:
      TwoStepAuthRealmChallengeHandler.handleChallenge = function(response){
      var authRequired = response.responseJSON.authRequired;</p>
      if (authRequired == true){
          switch (response.responseJSON.authStep) {
              case 1:
              case 2:
          if (response.responseJSON.errorMessage)
          } else if (authRequired == false){
    • Perform the second authentication step:
      $("#AuthStep1Submit").bind('click', function () {
          var username = $("#AuthUsername").val();
          var password = $("#AuthPassword").val();
          var invocationData = {
              adapter : "AuthAdapter",
              procedure : "submitAuthenticationStep1",
              parameters : [ username, password ]
          TwoStepAuthRealmChallengeHandler.submitAdapterAuthentication(invocationData, {});
      $("#AuthStep2Submit").bind('click', function () {
          var answer = $("#AuthAnswer").val();
          var invocationData = {
              adapter : "AuthAdapter",
              procedure : "submitAuthenticationStep2",
              parameters : [ answer ]
          TwoStepAuthRealmChallengeHandler.submitAdapterAuthentication(invocationData, {});
      $(".AuthCancelButton").bind('click', function () {

To review the remaining/existing sample client-side implementation, see the Adapter-based authentication in hybrid applications tutorial.

Sample application

Click to download the sample application.

Inclusive terminology note: The Mobile First Platform team is making changes to support the IBM® initiative to replace racially biased and other discriminatory language in our code and content with more inclusive language. While IBM values the use of inclusive language, terms that are outside of IBM's direct influence are sometimes required for the sake of maintaining user understanding. As other industry leaders join IBM in embracing the use of inclusive language, IBM will continue to update the documentation to reflect those changes.
Last modified on November 09, 2016