Migrating push notifications from event source-based notifications

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From IBM Mobile Foundation v8.0, the event source-based model is not supported, and push notifications capability is enabled entirely by the push service model. For existing event source-based applications on earlier versions of MobileFirst to be moved to v8.0, they must be migrated to the new push service model.

During migration, keep in mind that it is not about using one API instead of another, but more about using one model/approach versus another.

For example, in the event source-based model, if you were to segment your mobile application users to send notifications to specific segments, you would model every segment as a distinct event source. In the push service model, you would achieve the same by defining tags that represents segments and have users subscribe to the respective tags. Tag-based notifications is a replacement to event source-based notifications.

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The table below provides you with a comparison between the two models.

User requirement Event source model Push service model
To enable your application with push notifications
  • Create an Event Source Adapter and within it create an EventSource.
  • Configure or setup your application with push credentials.
Configure or setup your application with push credentials.
To enable your mobile client application with push notifications
  • Create WLClient
  • Connect to the MobileFirst Server
  • Get an instance of push client
  • Subscribe to the Event source
  • Instantiate push client
  • Initialize push client
  • Register the mobile device
To enable your mobile client application for notifications based on specific tags Not supported. Subscribe to the tag (that uses tag name) that is of interest.
To receive and handle notifications in your mobile client applications Register a listener implementation. Register a listener implementation.
To send push notifications to mobile client applications
  • Implement adapter procedures that internally call the WL.Server APIs to send push notifications.
  • WL Server APIs provide means to send notifications:
    • By user
    • By device
    • Broadcasts (all devices)
  • Backend server applications can then invoke the adapter procedures to trigger push notification as part of their application logic.
  • Backend server applications can directly call the messages REST API. However, these applications must register as confidential client with the MobileFirst Server and obtain a valid OAuth access token that must be passed in the Authorization header of the REST API.
  • The REST API provides options to send notifications:
    • By user
    • By device
    • By platform
    • By tags
    • Broadcasts (all devices)
To trigger push notifications as regular time periods (polling intervals) Implement the function to send push notifications within the event-source adapter and this as part of the createEventSource function call. Not supported.
To register a hook with the name, URL, and the even types. Implement hooks on the path of a device subscribing or unsubscribing to push notifications. Not supported.

Migration Scenarios

Starting from Mobile Foundation v8.0, the event source-based model will not be supported and push notifications capability will be enabled on Mobile Foundation entirely by the push service model, which is a more simple and agile alternative to event source model.

Existing event source-based applications on earlier versions of IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation need to be migrated to v8.0, to the new push service model.

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Hybrid applications

Examples of migration scenarios cover applications that use a single event sources or multiple sources, broadcast or Unicast notification, or tag notification.

Scenario 1: Existing applications using single event source in their application

Applications have used single event source over the earlier versions of MobileFirst as it supported push only through event source-based model.


To migrate this in V8.0.0, convert this model to Unicast notification.

  1. Initialize the MobileFirst push client instance in your application and in the success callback register the callback method that should receive the notification.

    MFPPush.registerNotificationsCallback(notificationReceived); },
    function(failureResponse){alert("Failed to initialize");    
  2. Implement the notification callback method.

    var notificationReceived = function(message) {
  3. Register the mobile device with the push notification service.

    MFPPush.registerDevice(function(successResponse) {
         alert("Successfully registered");
       function(failureResponse) {
         alert("Failed to register");
  4. (Optional) Un-register the mobile device from the push notification service.

    MFPPush.unregisterDevice(function(successResponse) {
         alert("Successfully unregistered");
       function(failureResponse) {
         alert("Failed to unregister");
  5. Remove WL.Client.Push.isPushSupported() (if used) and use.

    MFPPush.isPushSupported (function(successResponse) {
        function(failureResponse) {
            alert("Failed to get the push suport status");
  6. Remove the following WL.Client.Push APIs, since there will be no event source to subscribe to and register notification callbacks.

    • registerEventSourceCallback()
    • subscribe()
    • unsubscribe()
    • isSubscribed()
    • onReadyToSubscribe()
  1. Remove the following WL.Server APIs (if used), in your adapter:
    • notifyAllDevices()
    • notifyDevice()
    • notifyDeviceSubscription()
    • createEventSource()
  2. Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:
    1. Set up the credentials by using the MobileFirst Operations Console. See Configuring push notification settings.

      You can also set up the credentials by using Update GCM settings (PUT) REST API, for Android applications or Update APNs settings (PUT) REST API, for iOS applications.

    2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Scope Elements Mapping.
    3. Create tags to enable push notifications to be sent to subscribers. See Defining tags for push notification.
    4. You can use either of the following methods to send notifications:

Scenario 2: Existing applications using multiple event sources in their application

Applications using multiple event sources requires segmentation of users based on subscriptions.


This maps to tags which segments the users/devices based on topic of interest. To migrate this, this model can be converted to tag-based notification.

  1. Initialize the MFPPush client instance in your application and in the success callback register the callback method that should receive the notification.

         MFPPush.registerNotificationsCallback(notificationReceived);              					},
             alert("Failed to initialize");
  2. Implement the notification callback method.

    var notificationReceived = function(message) {
  3. Register the mobile device with the push notification service.

    MFPPush.registerDevice(function(successResponse) {
         alert("Successfully registered");
       function(failureResponse) {
         alert("Failed to register");
  4. (Optional) Unregister the mobile device from the push notification service.

    MFPPush.unregisterDevice(function(successResponse) {
         alert("Successfully unregistered");
       function(failureResponse) {
         alert("Failed to unregister");
  5. Remove WL.Client.Push.isPushSupported() (if used) and use.

    MFPPush.isPushSupported (function(successResponse) {
       function(failureResponse) {
         alert("Failed to get the push suport status");
  6. Remove the following WL.Client.Push APIs since there will be no event source to subscribe to and register notification callbacks.
    • registerEventSourceCallback()
    • subscribe()
    • unsubscribe()
    • isSubscribed()
    • onReadyToSubscribe()
  7. Subscribe to tags.

    var tags = ['sample-tag1','sample-tag2'];
    MFPPush.subscribe(tags, function(successResponse) {
     	alert("Successfully subscribed");
       function(failureResponse) {
     	alert("Failed to subscribe");
  8. (Optional) Unsubscribe from tags.

    MFPPush.unsubscribe(tags, function(successResponse) {
         alert("Successfully unsubscribed");
       function(failureResponse) {
         alert("Failed to unsubscribe");

Remove the following WL.Server APIs (if used) in your adapter:

  • notifyAllDevices()
  • notifyDevice()
  • notifyDeviceSubscription()
  • createEventSource()

Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:

  1. Set up the credentials by using the MobileFirst Operations Console. See Configuring push notification settings.

    You can also set up the credentials by using Update GCM settings (PUT) REST API, for Android applications or Update APNs settings (PUT) REST API, for iOS applications.

  2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Scope Elements Mapping.
  3. Create tags to enable push notifications to be sent to subscribers. See Defining tags for push notification.
  4. You can use either of the following methods to send notifications:

Scenario 3: Existing applications using broadcast/Unicast notification in their application

  1. Initialize the MFPPush client instance in your application and in the success callback register the callback method that should receive the notification.

         MFPPush.registerNotificationsCallback(notificationReceived);              					},
             alert("Failed to initialize");
  2. Implement the notification callback method.

    var notificationReceived = function(message) {
  3. Register the mobile device with the push notification service.

    MFPPush.registerDevice(function(successResponse) {
         alert("Successfully registered");
       function(failureResponse) {
         alert("Failed to register");
  4. (Optional) Unregister the mobile device from the push notification service.

    MFPPush.unregisterDevice(function(successResponse) {
         alert("Successfully unregistered");
       function(failureResponse) {
         alert("Failed to unregister");
  5. Remove WL.Client.Push.isPushSupported() (if used) and use.

    MFPPush.isPushSupported (function(successResponse) {
       function(failureResponse) {
         alert("Failed to get the push suport status");
  6. Remove the following WL.Client.Push APIs:

    • onReadyToSubscribe()
    • onMessage()

Remove WL.Server.sendMessage() (if used) in your adapter.
Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:

  1. Set up the credentials by using the MobileFirst Operations Console. See Configuring push notification settings.

    You can also set up the credentials by using Update GCM settings (PUT) REST API, for Android applications or Update APNs settings (PUT) REST API, for iOS applications.

  2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Scope Elements Mapping.
  3. Create tags to enable push notifications to be sent to subscribers. See Defining tags for push notification.
  4. You can use either of the following methods to send notifications:

Scenario 4: Existing applications using tag notifications in their application

  1. Initialize the MFPPush client instance in your application and in the success callback register the callback method that should receive the notification.

         MFPPush.registerNotificationsCallback(notificationReceived);              					},
             alert("Failed to initialize");
  2. Implement the notification callback method.

    var notificationReceived = function(message) {
  3. Register the mobile device with the push notification service.

    MFPPush.registerDevice(function(successResponse) {
         alert("Successfully registered");
       function(failureResponse) {
         alert("Failed to register");
  4. (Optional) Un-register the mobile device from push notification service.

    MFPPush.unregisterDevice(function(successResponse) {
         alert("Successfully unregistered");
       function(failureResponse) {
         alert("Failed to unregister");
  5. Remove WL.Client.Push.isPushSupported() (if used) and use:

    MFPPush.isPushSupported (function(successResponse) {
       function(failureResponse) {
         alert("Failed to get the push suport status");
  6. Remove the following WL.Client.Push APIs:
    • subscribeTag()
    • unsubscribeTag()
    • isTagSubscribed()
    • onReadyToSubscribe()
    • onMessage()
  7. Subscribe to tags:

    var tags = ['sample-tag1','sample-tag2'];
    MFPPush.subscribe(tags, function(successResponse) {
         alert("Successfully subscribed");
       function(failureResponse) {
         alert("Failed to subscribe");
  8. (Optional) Unsubscribe from tags:

    MFPPush.unsubscribe(tags, function(successResponse) {
         alert("Successfully unsubscribed");
       function(failureResponse) {
         alert("Failed to unsubscribe");

Remove WL.Server.sendMessage() (if used) in your adapter.
Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:

  1. Set up the credentials by using the MobileFirst Operations Console. See Configuring push notification settings.

    You can also set up the credentials by using Update GCM settings (PUT) REST API, for Android applications or Update APNs settings (PUT) REST API, for iOS applications.

  2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Scope Elements Mapping.
  3. Create tags to enable push notifications to be sent to subscribers. See Defining tags for push notification.
  4. You can use either of the following methods to send notifications:

Native Android applications

Examples of migration scenarios cover applications that use a single event sources or multiple sources, broadcast or Unicast notification, or tag notification.

Scenario 1: Existing applications using single event source in their application

Applications have used single event source over the earlier versions of MobileFirst as it supported push only through event source-based model.


To migrate this in v8.0, convert this model to Unicast notification.

  1. Initialize the MFPPush client instance in your application.

    MFPPush push = MFPPush.getInstance();
  2. Implement the interface MFPPushNotificationListener and define onReceive().

    public void onReceive(MFPSimplePushNotification message) {
         Log.i("Push Notifications", message.getAlert());
  3. Register the mobile device with the push notification service.

    push.registerDevice(new MFPPushResponseListener<String>(){
         public void onFailure(MFPPushException arg0) {
             Log.i("Push Notifications", "Failed to register");
         public void onSuccess(String arg0) {
            Log.i("Push Notifications", "Registered successfully");
  4. (Optional) Un-register the mobile device from the push notification service.

    push.unregisterDevice(new MFPPushResponseListener<String>(){
         public void onFailure(MFPPushException arg0) {
             Log.i("Push Notifications", "Failed to unregister");
         public void onSuccess(String arg0) {
              Log.i("Push Notifications", "Unregistered successfully");
  5. Remove WLClient.Push.isPushSupported() (if used) and use push.isPushSupported();.
  6. Remove the following WLClient.Push APIs since there will be no event source to subscribe to and register notification callbacks:
    • registerEventSourceCallback()
    • subscribe()
    • unsubscribe()
    • isSubscribed()
    • WLOnReadyToSubscribeListener and WLNotificationListener implementation

Remove the following WL.Server APIs (if used) in your adapter:

  • notifyAllDevices()
  • notifyDevice()
  • notifyDeviceSubscription()
  • createEventSource()

Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:

  1. Set up the credentials by using the MobileFirst Operations Console. See Configuring push notification settings.

    You can also set up the credentials by using Update GCM settings (PUT) REST API, for Android applications or Update APNs settings (PUT) REST API, for iOS applications.

  2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Scope Elements Mapping.
  3. Create tags to enable push notifications to be sent to subscribers. See Defining tags for push notification.
  4. You can use either of the following methods to send notifications:

Scenario 2: Existing applications using multiple event sources in their application

Applications using multiple event sources requires the segmentation of users based on the subscriptions.


This maps to tags which segments the users/devices based on topic of interest. To migrate this in Mobile Foundation V8.0.0, convert this model to tag based notification.

  1. Initialize the MFPPush client instance in your application:

    MFPPush push = MFPPush.getInstance();
  2. Implement the interface MFPPushNotificationListener and define onReceive().

    public void onReceive(MFPSimplePushNotification message) {
         Log.i("Push Notifications", message.getAlert());
  3. Register the mobile device with the push notification service.

    push.registerDevice(new MFPPushResponseListener<String>(){   
         public void onFailure(MFPPushException arg0) {
             Log.i("Push Notifications", "Failed to register");
         public void onSuccess(String arg0) {
             Log.i("Push Notifications", "Registered successfully");
  4. (Optional) Un-register the mobile device from the push notification service:

    push.unregisterDevice(new MFPPushResponseListener<String>(){   
         public void onFailure(MFPPushException arg0) {
             Log.i("Push Notifications", "Failed to unregister");
         public void onSuccess(String arg0) {
             Log.i( "Push Notifications", "Unregistered successfully");
  5. Remove WLClient.Push.isPushSupported() (if used) and use push.isPushSupported();.
  6. Remove the following WLClient.Push APIs since there will be no event source to subscribe to and register notification callbacks:
    • registerEventSourceCallback()
    • subscribe()
    • unsubscribe()
    • isSubscribed()
  7. WLOnReadyToSubscribeListener and WLNotificationListener Implementation
  8. Subscribe to tags:

    String[] tags = new String[2];
    tags[0] ="sample-tag1";
    tags[1] ="sample-tag2";
    push.subscribe(tags, new MFPPushResponseListener<String[]>(){
         public void onFailure(MFPPushException arg0) {
             Log.i("Failed to subscribe");
         public void onSuccess(String[] arg0) {
             Log.i( "Subscribed successfully");
  9. (Optional) Unsubscribe from tags:

    String[] tags = new String[2];
    tags[0] ="sample-tag1";
    tags[1] ="sample-tag2";
    push.unsubscribe(tags, new MFPPushResponseListener<String[]>(){
         public void onFailure(MFPPushException arg0) {
             Log.i("Push Notifications", "Failed to unsubscribe");
         public void onSuccess(String[] arg0) {
             Log.i("Push Notifications", "Unsubscribed successfully");

Remove the following WL.Server APIs (if used) in your adapter:

  • notifyAllDevices()
  • notifyDevice()
  • notifyDeviceSubscription()
  • createEventSource()

Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:

  1. Set up the credentials by using the MobileFirst Operations Console. See Configuring push notification settings.

    You can also set up the credentials by using Update GCM settings (PUT) REST API, for Android applications or Update APNs settings (PUT) REST API, for iOS applications.

  2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Scope Elements Mapping.
  3. Create tags to enable push notifications to be sent to subscribers. See Defining tags for push notification.
  4. You can use either of the following methods to send notifications:

Scenario 3: Existing applications using broadcast/Unicast notification in their application

  1. Initialize the MFPPush client instance in your application:

    MFPPush push = MFPPush.getInstance();
  2. Implement the interface MFPPushNotificationListener and define onReceive().

    public void onReceive(MFPSimplePushNotification message) {
         Log.i("Push Notifications", message.getAlert());
  3. Register the mobile device with push notification service.

    push.registerDevice(new MFPPushResponseListener<String>(){
         public void onFailure(MFPPushException arg0) {
             Log.i("Push Notifications", "Failed to register");
         public void onSuccess(String arg0) {
             Log.i("Push Notifications", "Registered successfully");
  4. (Optional) Un-register the mobile device from push notification service.

    push.unregisterDevice(new MFPPushResponseListener<String>(){
         public void onFailure(MFPPushException arg0) {
             Log.i("Push Notifications", "Failed to unregister");
         public void onSuccess(String arg0) {
             Log.i( "Push Notifications", "Unregistered successfully");
  5. Remove WLClient.Push.isPushSupported() (if used) and use push.isPushSupported();.
  6. Remove the following WLClient.Push APIs:
    • registerEventSourceCallback()
    • WLOnReadyToSubscribeListener and WLNotificationListener Implementation

Remove WL.Server.sendMessage()` APIs (if used) in your adapter:

Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:

  1. Set up the credentials by using the MobileFirst Operations Console. See Configuring push notification settings.

    You can also set up the credentials by using Update GCM settings (PUT) REST API, for Android applications or Update APNs settings (PUT) REST API, for iOS applications.

  2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Scope Elements Mapping.
  3. Create tags to enable push notifications to be sent to subscribers. See Defining tags for push notification.
  4. You can use either of the following methods to send notifications:

Scenario 4: Existing applications using tag notifications in their application

  1. Initialize the MFPPush client instance in your application:

    MFPPush push = MFPPush.getInstance();
  2. Implement the interface MFPPushNotificationListener and define onReceive().

    public void onReceive(MFPSimplePushNotification message) {
         Log.i("Push Notifications", message.getAlert());
  3. Register the mobile device with the push notification service.

    push.registerDevice(new MFPPushResponseListener<String>(){
         public void onFailure(MFPPushException arg0) {
             Log.i("Push Notifications", "Failed to register");
         public void onSuccess(String arg0) {
             Log.i("Push Notifications", "Registered successfully");
  4. (Optional) Un-register the mobile device from the push notification service.

    push.unregisterDevice(new MFPPushResponseListener<String>(){
         public void onFailure(MFPPushException arg0) {
             Log.i("Push Notifications", "Failed to unregister");
         public void onSuccess(String arg0) {
             Log.i( "Push Notifications", "Unregistered successfully");
  5. Remove WLClient.Push.isPushSupported() (if used) and use push.isPushSupported();
  6. Remove the following WLClient.Push API’s:
    • subscribeTag()
    • unsubscribeTag()
    • isTagSubscribed()
    • WLOnReadyToSubscribeListener and WLNotificationListener Implementation
  7. Subscribe to tags:

    String[] tags = new String[2];
    tags[0] ="sample-tag1";
    tags[1] ="sample-tag2";
    push.subscribe(tags, new MFPPushResponseListener<String[]>(){
         public void onFailure(MFPPushException arg0) {
             Log.i("Failed to subscribe");
         public void onSuccess(String[] arg0) {
             Log.i( "Subscribed successfully");
  8. (Optional) Unsubscribe from tags:

    String[] tags = new String[2];
    tags[0] ="sample-tag1";
    tags[1] ="sample-tag2";
    push.unsubscribe(tags, new MFPPushResponseListener<String[]>(){
         public void onFailure(MFPPushException arg0) {
             Log.i("Push Notifications", "Failed to unsubscribe");
         public void onSuccess(String[] arg0) {
             Log.i("Push Notifications", "Unsubscribed successfully");

Remove WL.Server.sendMessage() (if used) in your adapter.

Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:

  1. Set up the credentials by using the MobileFirst Operations Console. See Configuring push notification settings.

    You can also set up the credentials by using Update GCM settings (PUT) REST API, for Android applications or Update APNs settings (PUT) REST API, for iOS applications.

  2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Scope Elements Mapping.
  3. Create tags to enable push notifications to be sent to subscribers. See Defining tags for push notification.
  4. You can use either of the following methods to send notifications:

Native iOS applications

Examples of migration scenarios cover applications that use a single event sources or multiple sources, broadcast or Unicast notification, or tag notification.

Scenario 1: Existing applications using single event source in their application

Applications have used single event source over the earlier versions of MobileFirst as it supported push only through event source-based model.


To migrate this in v8.0, convert this model to Unicast notification.

  1. Initialize the MFPPush client instance in your application.

    [[MFPPush sharedInstance] initialize];
  2. Implement the notification processing in the didReceiveRemoteNotification().
  3. Register the mobile device with the push notification service.

    [[MFPPush sharedInstance] registerDevice:^(WLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
     	   NSLog(@"Failed to register");
         } else {
  4. (Optional) Un-register the mobile device from the push notification service.

    [MFPPush sharedInstance] unregisterDevice:^(WLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
            NSLog(@"Failed to unregister");
         } else {
            NSLog(@"Successfully unregistered");
  5. Remove WLClient.Push.isPushSupported() (if used) and use:

    [[MFPPush sharedInstance] isPushSupported]
  6. Remove the following WLClient.Push API’s since there will be no event source to subscribe to and register notification callbacks:
    • registerEventSourceCallback()
    • subscribe()
    • unsubscribe()
    • isSubscribed()
    • WLOnReadyToSubscribeListener implementation
  7. Call sendDeviceToken() in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken.

    [[MFPPush sharedInstance] sendDeviceToken:deviceToken];

Remove the following WL.Server API’s (if used) in your adapter:

  • notifyAllDevices()
  • notifyDevice()
  • notifyDeviceSubscription()
  • createEventSource()

Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:

  1. Set up the credentials by using the MobileFirst Operations Console. See Configuring push notification settings.

    You can also set up the credentials by using Update GCM settings (PUT) REST API, for Android applications or Update APNs settings (PUT) REST API, for iOS applications.

  2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Scope Elements Mapping.
  3. Create tags to enable push notifications to be sent to subscribers. See Defining tags for push notification.
  4. You can use either of the following methods to send notifications:

Scenario 2: Existing applications using multiple event sources in their application

Applications using multiple event sources requires segmentation of users based on subscriptions.


This maps to tags which segments the users/devices based on topic of interest. To migrate this to MobileFirst V8.0.0, convert this model to tag based notification.

  1. Initialize the MFPPush client instance in your application.

    [[MFPPush sharedInstance] initialize];
  2. Implement the notification processing in the didReceiveRemoteNotification().
  3. Register the mobile device with the push notification service:

    [[MFPPush sharedInstance] registerDevice:^(WLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
         	NSLog(@"Failed to register");
  4. (Optional) Un-register the mobile device from the push notification service:

    [MFPPush sharedInstance] unregisterDevice:^(WLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
         	NSLog(@"Failed to unregister");
         	NSLog(@"Successfully unregistered");
  5. Remove WLClient.Push.isPushSupported() (if used) and use:

    [[MFPPush sharedInstance] isPushSupported]
  6. Remove the following WLClient.Push API’s since there will be no event source to subscribe to and register notification callbacks:
    • registerEventSourceCallback()
    • subscribe()
    • unsubscribe()
    • isSubscribed()
    • WLOnReadyToSubscribeListener Implementation
  7. Call sendDeviceToken() in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken.
  8. Subscribe to tags:

    NSMutableArray *tags = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
    [tags addObject:@"sample-tag1"];
    [tags addObject:@"sample-tag2"];
    [MFPPush sharedInstance] subscribe:tags completionHandler:^(WLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
         	NSLog(@"Failed to unregister");
         	NSLog(@"Successfully unregistered");
  9. (Optional) Unsubscribe from tags:

    NSMutableArray *tags = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
    [tags addObject:@"sample-tag1"];
    [tags addObject:@"sample-tag2"];
    [MFPPush sharedInstance] unsubscribe:tags completionHandler:^(WLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
            NSLog(@"Failed to unregister");
            NSLog(@"Successfully unregistered");

:{: #server-ios-2 } Remove WL.Server (if used) in your adapter.

  • notifyAllDevices()
  • notifyDevice()
  • notifyDeviceSubscription()
  • createEventSource()

Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:

  1. Set up the credentials by using the MobileFirst Operations Console. See Configuring push notification settings.

    You can also set up the credentials by using Update GCM settings (PUT) REST API, for Android applications or Update APNs settings (PUT) REST API, for iOS applications.

  2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Scope Elements Mapping.
  3. Create tags to enable push notifications to be sent to subscribers. See Defining tags for push notification.
  4. You can use either of the following methods to send notifications:

Scenario 3: Existing applications using broadcast/Unicast notification in their application

  1. Initialize the MFPPush client instance in your application:

    [[MFPPush sharedInstance] initialize];
  2. Implement the notification processing in the didReceiveRemoteNotification().
  3. Register the mobile device with the push notification service:

    [[MFPPush sharedInstance] registerDevice:^(WLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
         	NSLog(@"Failed to register");
  4. (Optional) Un-register the mobile device from the push notification service.

    [MFPPush sharedInstance] unregisterDevice:^(WLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
         	NSLog(@"Failed to unregister");
         	NSLog(@"Successfully unregistered");
  5. Remove WLClient.Push.isPushSupported() (if used) and use:

    [[MFPPush sharedInstance] isPushSupported]
  6. Remove the following WLClient.Push API’s:
    • registerEventSourceCallback()
    • WLOnReadyToSubscribeListener Implementation

Remove WL.Server.sendMessage (if used) in your adapter.

Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:

  1. Set up the credentials by using the MobileFirst Operations Console. See Configuring push notification settings.

    You can also set up the credentials by using Update GCM settings (PUT) REST API, for Android applications or Update APNs settings (PUT) REST API, for iOS applications.

  2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Scope Elements Mapping.
  3. Create tags to enable push notifications to be sent to subscribers. See Defining tags for push notification.
  4. You can use either of the following methods to send notifications:

Scenario 4: Existing applications using tag notifications in their application

  1. Initialize the MFPPush client instance in your application:

    [[MFPPush sharedInstance] initialize];
  2. Implement the notification processing in the didReceiveRemoteNotification().
  3. Register the mobile device with the push notification service:

    [[MFPPush sharedInstance] registerDevice:^(WLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
         	NSLog(@"Failed to register");
  4. (Optional) Un-register the mobile device from the push notification service:

    [MFPPush sharedInstance] unregisterDevice:^(WLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
            NSLog(@"Failed to unregister");
            NSLog(@"Successfully unregistered");
  5. Remove WLClient.Push.isPushSupported() (if used) and use [[MFPPush sharedInstance] isPushSupported].
  6. Remove the following WLClient.Push API’s since there will be no Event source to subscribe to and register notification callbacks:
    • registerEventSourceCallback()
    • subscribeTag()
    • unsubscribeTag()
    • isTagSubscribed()
    • WLOnReadyToSubscribeListener Implementation
  7. Call sendDeviceToken() in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken.
  8. Subscribe to tags:

    NSMutableArray *tags = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
    [tags addObject:@"sample-tag1"];
    [tags addObject:@"sample-tag2"];
    [MFPPush sharedInstance] subscribe:tags completionHandler:^(WLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
            NSLog(@"Failed to unregister");
            NSLog(@"Successfully unregistered");
  9. (Optional) Unsubscribe from tags:

    NSMutableArray *tags = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
    [tags addObject:@"sample-tag1"];
    [tags addObject:@"sample-tag2"];
    [MFPPush sharedInstance] unsubscribe:tags completionHandler:^(WLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
         	NSLog(@"Failed to unregister");
         	NSLog(@"Successfully unregistered");

Remove the WL.Server.sendMessage (if used), in your adapter.

Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:

  1. Set up the credentials by using the MobileFirst Operations Console. See Configuring push notification settings.

    You can also set up the credentials by using Update GCM settings (PUT) REST API, for Android applications or Update APNs settings (PUT) REST API, for iOS applications.

  2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Scope Elements Mapping.
  3. Create tags to enable push notifications to be sent to subscribers. See Defining tags for push notification.
  4. You can use either of the following methods to send notifications:

Native Windows Universal applications

Examples of migration scenarios cover applications that use a single event sources or multiple sources, broadcast or Unicast notification, or tag notification.

Scenario 1: Existing applications using single event source in their application

To migrate this in v8.0, convert this model to Unicast notification.

  1. Initialize the MFPPush client instance in your application.

    MFPPush push = MFPPush.GetInstance();
    Implement the interface MFPPushNotificationListener and define onReceive().
    class Pushlistener : MFPPushNotificationListener
         public void onReceive(String properties, String payload)
                 Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications\n properties:" + properties + "\n payload:" + payload);
  2. Register the mobile device with the push notification service.

    MFPPushMessageResponse Response = await push.RegisterDevice(null);
    if (Response.Success == true)
         Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Registered successfully");
         Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Failed to register");
  3. (Optional) Un-register the mobile device from the push notification service.

    MFPPushMessageResponse Response = await push.UnregisterDevice();
    if (Response.Success == true)
         Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Failed to unregister");
         Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Unregistered successfully");
  4. Remove WLClient.Push.IsPushSupported() (if used) and use push.IsPushSupported();.
  5. Remove the following WLClient.Push APIs since there will be no event source to subscribe to and register notification callbacks:
    • registerEventSourceCallback()
    • subscribe()
    • unsubscribe()
    • isSubscribed()
    • WLOnReadyToSubscribeListener and WLNotificationListener implementation

Remove the following WL.Server APIs (if used) in your adapter:

  • notifyAllDevices()
  • notifyDevice()
  • notifyDeviceSubscription()
  • createEventSource()

Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:

  1. Set up the WNS credentials in the Push Settings page of MobileFirst Operations Console or use WNS Settings REST API.
  2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Map Scope Elements to security checks section in the Security tab of MobileFirst Operations Console.
  3. You can also use the Push Message (POST) REST API with userId/deviceId, to send message.

Scenario 2: Existing applications using multiple event sources in their application

Applications using multiple event sources requires segmentation of users based on subscriptions.


This maps to tags which segments the users/devices based on topic of interest. To migrate this in MobileFirst V8.0.0, convert this model to tag based notification.

  1. Initialize the MFPPush client instance in your application:

    MFPPush push = MFPPush.GetInstance();
    Implement the interface MFPPushNotificationListener and define onReceive().
    class Pushlistener : MFPPushNotificationListener
         public void onReceive(String properties, String payload)
                 Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications\n properties:" + properties + "\n payload:" + payload);
  2. Register the mobile device with the IMFPUSH service.

    MFPPushMessageResponse Response = await push.RegisterDevice(null);
    if (Response.Success == true)
         Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Registered successfully");
         Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Failed to register");
  3. (Optional) Un-register the mobile device from the IMFPUSH service:

    MFPPushMessageResponse Response = await push.UnregisterDevice();
    if (Response.Success == true)
         Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Failed to unregister");
         Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Unregistered successfully");
  4. Remove WLClient.Push.IsPushSupported() (if used) and use push.IsPushSupported();.
  5. Remove the following WLClient.Push APIs since there will be no Event Source to subscribe to and register notification callbacks:
    • registerEventSourceCallback()
    • subscribe()
    • unsubscribe()
    • isSubscribed()
    • WLOnReadyToSubscribeListener and WLNotificationListener implementation
  6. Subscribe to tags:

    String[] Tag = { "sample-tag1", "sample-tag2" };
    MFPPushMessageResponse Response = await push.Subscribe(Tag);
    if (Response.Success == true)
         Debug.WriteLine("Subscribed successfully");
         Debug.WriteLine("Failed to subscribe");
  7. (Optional) Unsubscribe from tags:

    String[] Tag = { "sample-tag1", "sample-tag2" };
    MFPPushMessageResponse Response = await push.Unsubscribe(Tag);
    if (Response.Success == true)
         Debug.WriteLine("Unsubscribed successfully");
         Debug.WriteLine("Failed to unsubscribe");

Remove the following WL.Server APIs (if used) in your adapter:

  • notifyAllDevices()
  • notifyDevice()
  • notifyDeviceSubscription()
  • createEventSource()

Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:

  1. Set up the WNS credentials in the Push Settings page of MobileFirst Operations Console or use WNS Settings REST API.
  2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Map Scope Elements to security checks section in the Security tab of MobileFirst Operations Console.
  3. Create Push tags in the Tags page of MobileFirst Operations Console.
  4. You can also use the Push Message (POST) REST API with userId/deviceId/tagNames as target, to send notifications.

Scenario 3: Existing applications using broadcast/Unicast notification in their application

  1. Initialize the MFPPush client instance in your application:

    MFPPush push = MFPPush.GetInstance();
    Implement the interface MFPPushNotificationListener and define onReceive().
    class Pushlistener : MFPPushNotificationListener
         public void onReceive(String properties, String payload)
                 Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications\n properties:" + properties + "\n payload:" + payload);
  2. Register the mobile device with the push notification service.

    MFPPushMessageResponse Response = await push.RegisterDevice(null);
    if (Response.Success == true)
         Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Registered successfully");
         Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Failed to register");
  3. (Optional) Un-register the mobile device from the push notification service.

    MFPPushMessageResponse Response = await push.UnregisterDevice();
    if (Response.Success == true)
         Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Failed to unregister");
         Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Unregistered successfully");
  4. Remove WLClient.Push.isPushSupported() (if used) and use push.IsPushSupported();.
  5. Remove the following WLClient.Push APIs:
    • registerEventSourceCallback()
    • WLOnReadyToSubscribeListener and WLNotificationListener implementation

Remove WL.Server.sendMessage() (if used) in your adapter.

Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:

  1. Set up the WNS credentials in the Push Settings page of MobileFirst Operations Console or use WNS Settings REST API.
  2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Map Scope Elements to security checks section in the Security tab of MobileFirst Operations Console.
  3. Create Push tags in the Tags page of MobileFirst Operations Console.
  4. You can also use the Push Message (POST) REST API with userId/deviceId/tagNames as target, to send notifications.

Scenario 4: Existing applications using tag notifications in their application

  1. Initialize the MFPPush client instance in your application:

    MFPPush push = MFPPush.GetInstance();
  2. Implement the interface MFPPushNotificationListener and define onReceive().

    class Pushlistener : MFPPushNotificationListener
         public void onReceive(String properties, String payload)
                 Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications\n properties:" + properties + "\n payload:" + payload);
  3. Register the mobile device with the push notification service.

    MFPPushMessageResponse Response = await push.RegisterDevice(null);
    if (Response.Success == true)
         Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Registered successfully");
         Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Failed to register");
  4. (Optional) Un-register the mobile device from push notification service.

    MFPPushMessageResponse Response = await push.UnregisterDevice();
    if (Response.Success == true)
         Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Failed to unregister");
         Debug.WriteLine("Push Notifications Unregistered successfully");
  5. Remove WLClient.Push.IsPushSupported() (if used) and use push.IsPushSupported();
  6. Remove the following WLClient.Push API’s:
    • subscribeTag()
    • unsubscribeTag()
    • isTagSubscribed()
    • WLOnReadyToSubscribeListener and WLNotificationListener implementation
  7. Subscribe to tags:

    String[] Tag = { "sample-tag1", "sample-tag2" };
    MFPPushMessageResponse Response = await push.Subscribe(Tag);
    if (Response.Success == true)
         Debug.WriteLine("Subscribed successfully");
         Debug.WriteLine("Failed to subscribe");
  8. (Optional) Unsubscribe from tags:

    String[] Tag = { "sample-tag1", "sample-tag2" };
    MFPPushMessageResponse Response = await push.Unsubscribe(Tag);
    if (Response.Success == true)
         Debug.WriteLine("Unsubscribed successfully");
         Debug.WriteLine("Failed to unsubscribe");

Remove WL.Server.sendMessage() (if used) in your adapter.

Complete the following steps for every application that was using the same event source:

  1. Set up the WNS credentials in the Push Settings page of MobileFirst Operations Console or use WNS Settings REST API.
  2. Add the scope push.mobileclient in Map Scope Elements to security checks section in the Security tab of MobileFirst Operations Console.
  3. Create Push tags in the Tags page of MobileFirst Operations Console.
  4. You can also use the Push Message (POST) REST API with userId/deviceId/tagNames as target, to send notifications.

Migration tool

The migration tool helps in migrating MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1 push data (devices, user subscriptions, credentials & tags) to Mobile Foundation 8.0.
The migration tool simplifies the process with the following functions:

  1. Reads the devices, credentials, tags and user subscriptions for each application from the MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1 database.
  2. Copies the data to respective tables in Mobile Foundation 8.0 database for respective application.
  3. Migrates all the Push data of all v7.1 environments, irrespective of environments in the v8.0 application.

The migration tool doesn’t modify any data related to user subscriptions, application environments or devices.

The following information is important to know before you use the migration tool:

  1. You must have Java version 1.6 or above.
  2. Make sure you have both MobileFirst Server 7.1 and MobileFirst Server 8.0 setup and ready.
  3. Make a backup of both MobileFirst Server 7.1 and MobileFirst Server 8.0.
  4. Register latest version of the application(s) in MobileFirst Server 8.0.
    • Display name of application should match the respective application in MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1.
    • Remember the PacakgeName/BundleID and provide the same values for the applications.
    • If the application is not registered on MobileFirst Server 8.0 then the migration will not succeed.
  5. Provide Scope-Elements Mapping for each environment of application. Learn more about scope mapping.


  1. Download the migration tool from its following GitHub repository.
  2. After downloading the tool, provide the following details in the migration.properties file:

    Value Description Sample Values
    w.db.type Type of the database under consideration pw.db.type = db2 possible values DB2,Oracle,MySql,Derby
    pw.db.url MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1 worklight DB url jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/WRKLGHT
    pw.db.adminurl MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1 Admin DB url jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ADMIN
    pw.db.username MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1 Worklight DB username pw.db.username=root
    pw.db.password MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1 Worklight DB password pw.db.password=root
    pw.db.adminusername MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1 Admin DB username pw.db.adminusername=root
    pw.db.adminpassword MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1 Admin DB password pw.db.adminpassword=root
    pw.db.urlTarget MFP 8.0 DB url jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/MFPDATA
    pw.db.usernameTarget MFP 8.0 DB username pw.db.usernameTarget=root
    pw.db.passwordTarget MFP 8.0 DB password pw.db.passwordTarget=root
    pw.db.schema MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1 Worklight DB schema WRKLGT
    pw.db.adminschema MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1 Admin DB schema WLADMIN
    pw.db.targetschema Mobile Foundation 8.0 worklight DB schema MFPDATA
    runtime MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1 Runtime name runtime=worklight
    applicationId Provide list of applications registered on MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1 separated by comma(,) HybridTestApp,NativeiOSTestApp
    targetApplicationId Provide list of applications registered on Mobile Foundation 8.0 separated by comma(,). com.HybridTestApp,com.NativeiOSTestApp
    • Make sure that you have provided values for both applicationID and targetApplicationId in proper sequence. The mapping is done in 1-1 (or n-n) fashion, i.e. data of the first application in applicationId list will be migrated to the first application in the targetApplicationId list.
    • In the targetApplicationId list, provide a packageName/BundleId for the application. i.e. for TestApp1 in MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1, targetApplicationId will be packageName/BundleId of TestApp1 which is com.TestApp1. This is because in MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1 applicationId is the application name and in MobileFirst Server 8.0 it is packageName/BundleId/packageIdentityName based on application environment.
  3. Run the tool by using the following command:

    java -jar mfp-push-data-migration.jar path-to-migration.properties
    • Replace path-to-migration.properties with the path to migration.properties in case the tool .jar file and the properties file are located at different locations. Otherwise, remove the path from the command.

    *Keep lib folder containing required libraries at the same location as tool .jar file.

Inclusive terminology note: The Mobile First Platform team is making changes to support the IBM® initiative to replace racially biased and other discriminatory language in our code and content with more inclusive language. While IBM values the use of inclusive language, terms that are outside of IBM's direct influence are sometimes required for the sake of maintaining user understanding. As other industry leaders join IBM in embracing the use of inclusive language, IBM will continue to update the documentation to reflect those changes.
Last modified on April 22, 2020