JavaScript SQL Adapter

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An SQL adapter is designed to communicate with any SQL data source. You can use plain SQL queries or stored procedures.

To connect to a database, JavaScript code needs a JDBC connector driver for the specific database type. You must download the JDBC connector driver for the specific database type separately and add it as a dependency in your project. For more information on how to add a dependency, see the Dependencies section in the Creating Java and JavaScript Adapters tutorial.

In this tutorial and in the accompanying sample, you learn how to use an adapter to connect to a MySQL database.

Prerequisite: Make sure to read the JavaScript Adapters tutorial first.

The XML File

The XML file contains settings and metadata.

In the adapter.xml file, declare the following parameters:

  • JDBC Driver Class
  • Database URL
  • Username
  • Password

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mfp:adapter name="JavaScriptSQL"

		<connectionPolicy xsi:type="sql:SQLConnectionPolicy">
  • xsi:type: Mandatory. The value of this attribute must be set to sql:SQLConnectionPolicy.
  • dataSourceDefinition: Optional. Contains the parameters that are needed to connect to a data source. The adapter creates a connection for each request. For example:
    <connectionPolicy xsi:type="sql:SQLConnectionPolicy">
  • dataSourceJNDIName: Optional. Connect to the data source by using the JNDI name of a data source that is provided by the application server. The adapter takes the connection from the server connection pool that is associated with the JNDI name. Application servers provide a way to configure data sources. For more information, see Installing MobileFirst Server to an application server. For example:
    <connectionPolicy xsi:type="sql:SQLConnectionPolicy">

With the connectionPolicy configured, declare a procedure in the adapter XML file.

<procedure name="getAccountTransactions1"/>

JavaScript implementation

The adapter JavaScript file is used to implement the procedure logic.
There are two ways of running SQL statements:

  • SQL statement query
  • SQL stored procedure

SQL statement query

  1. Assign your SQL query to a variable. This must always be done outside the function scope.
  2. Add parameters, if necessary.
  3. Use the MFP.Server.invokeSQLStatement method to call prepared queries.
  4. Return the result to the application or to another procedure.

    // 1. Assign your SQL query to a variable (outside the function scope)
    // 2. Add parameters, if necessary
    var getAccountsTransactionsStatement = "SELECT transactionId, fromAccount, toAccount, transactionDate, transactionAmount, transactionType " +
     "FROM accounttransactions " +
     "WHERE accounttransactions.fromAccount = ? OR accounttransactions.toAccount = ? " +
     "ORDER BY transactionDate DESC " +
     "LIMIT 20;";
     // Invoke prepared SQL query and return invocation result
    function getAccountTransactions1(accountId){
    // 3. Use the `MFP.Server.invokeSQLStatement` method to call prepared queries
    // 4. Return the result to the application or to another procedure.
         return MFP.Server.invokeSQLStatement({
            preparedStatement : getAccountsTransactionsStatement,
            parameters : [accountId, accountId]

SQL stored procedure

To run a SQL stored procedure, use the MFP.Server.invokeSQLStoredProcedure method. Specify a SQL stored procedure name as an invocation parameter.

// Invoke stored SQL procedure and return invocation result
function getAccountTransactions2(accountId){
  // To run a SQL stored procedure, use the `MFP.Server.invokeSQLStoredProcedure` method
  return MFP.Server.invokeSQLStoredProcedure({
    procedure : "getAccountTransactions",
    parameters : [accountId]

Using multiple parameters

When using either single or multiple parameters in an SQL query make sure to accept the variables in the function and pass them to the invokeSQLStatement or invokeSQLStoredProcedure parameters in an array.

var getAccountsTransactionsStatement = "SELECT transactionId, fromAccount, toAccount, transactionDate, transactionAmount, transactionType " +
	"FROM accounttransactions " +
	"WHERE accounttransactions.fromAccount = ? AND accounttransactions.toAccount = ? " +
	"ORDER BY transactionDate DESC " +
	"LIMIT 20;";

//Invoke prepared SQL query and return invocation result
function getAccountTransactions1(fromAccount, toAccount){
	return MFP.Server.invokeSQLStatement({
		preparedStatement : getAccountsTransactionsStatement,
		parameters : [fromAccount, toAccount]

Invocation Results

The result is retrieved as a JSON object:

  "isSuccessful": true,
  "resultSet": [{
    "fromAccount": "12345",
    "toAccount": "54321",
    "transactionAmount": 180.00,
    "transactionDate": "2009-03-11T11:08:39.000Z",
    "transactionId": "W06091500863",
    "transactionType": "Funds Transfer"
  }, {
    "fromAccount": "12345",
    "toAccount": null,
    "transactionAmount": 130.00,
    "transactionDate": "2009-03-07T11:09:39.000Z",
    "transactionId": "W214122\/5337",
    "transactionType": "ATM Withdrawal"
  • The isSuccessful property defines whether the invocation was successful.
  • The resultSet object is an array of returned records.
  • To access the resultSet object on the client-side: result.invocationResult.resultSet
  • To access the resultSet object on the server-side: result.ResultSet

Sample adapter

Click to download the Adapters Maven project.

The Adapters Maven project includes the JavaScriptSQL adapter described above.
Also included is an SQL script in the Utils folder.

Sample usage

When testing, the account value should be passed in an array: ["12345"].

Inclusive terminology note: The Mobile First Platform team is making changes to support the IBM® initiative to replace racially biased and other discriminatory language in our code and content with more inclusive language. While IBM values the use of inclusive language, terms that are outside of IBM's direct influence are sometimes required for the sake of maintaining user understanding. As other industry leaders join IBM in embracing the use of inclusive language, IBM will continue to update the documentation to reflect those changes.
Last modified on November 10, 2017