Java 令牌验证程序

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IBM Mobile Foundation 提供 Java 库以对外部资源实施安全功能。
Java 库是作为 JAR 文件 (mfp-java-token-validator-8.0.0.jar) 提供的。

本教程显示如何使用作用域 (accessRestricted) 来保护简单 Java Servlet GetBalance



添加 .jar 文件依赖关系

mfp-java-token-validator-8.0.0.jar 文件可用作 maven 依赖关系


实例化 TokenValidationManager

为了能够验证令牌,请实例化 TokenValidationManager

TokenValidationManager( authorizationURI, java.lang.String clientId, java.lang.String clientSecret);
  • authorizationURI:授权服务器的 URI,通常为 MobileFirst Server。 例如,http://localhost:9080/mfp/api
  • clientId:在 MobileFirst Operations Console 中配置的保密客户机标识。
  • clientSecret:在 MobileFirst Operations Console 中配置的保密客户机密钥。

该库会公开一个 API,用于封装并简化与授权服务器的自省端点的交互。 有关详细 API 参考,请参阅 MobileFirst Java 令牌验证程序 API 参考


validate API 方法会要求授权服务器验证授权头:

public TokenValidationResult validate(java.lang.String authorizationHeader, java.lang.String expectedScope);
  • authorizationHeaderAuthorization HTTP 头的内容,这是访问令牌。 例如,可以从 HttpServletRequest (httpServletRequest.getHeader("Authorization")) 中获取。
  • expectedScope:用于验证令牌的作用域,例如,accessRestricted

您可以查询生成的 TokenValidationResult 对象以查找错误或有效的自省数据:

TokenValidationResult tokenValidationRes = validator.validate(authCredentials, expectedScope);
    			if (tokenValidationRes.getAuthenticationError() != null) {
    // Error
    AuthenticationError error = tokenValidationRes.getAuthenticationError();
    httpServletResponse.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", error.getAuthenticateHeader());
} else if (tokenValidationRes.getIntrospectionData() != null) {
    // Success logic here


getIntrospectionData() 返回的 TokenIntrospectionData 对象为您提供有关客户机的一些信息,例如,当前活动用户的用户名:

httpServletRequest.setAttribute("introspection-data", tokenValidationRes.getIntrospectionData());
TokenIntrospectionData introspectionData = (TokenIntrospectionData) request.getAttribute("introspection-data");
String username = introspectionData.getUsername();


TokenValidationManager 类随附一个内部高速缓存,用于高速缓存令牌和自省数据。 高速缓存的目的是减少针对授权服务器完成的令牌自省总量(如果使用相同的头发出请求)。

缺省高速缓存大小为 50000 个项。 在到达此容量后,将除去最旧的令牌。

TokenValidationManager 的构造方法也可接受要存储的 cacheSize(自省数据项的数量):

public TokenValidationManager( authorizationURI, java.lang.String clientId, java.lang.String clientSecret, long cacheSize);

保护简单 Java Servlet

  1. 创建名为 GetBalance 的简单 Java Servlet,这将返回硬编码值:

    public class GetBalance extends HttpServlet {
     	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
     	protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
     		//Return hardcoded value
  2. 创建名为 JTVFilterjavax.servlet.Filter 实现,这将针对指定作用域验证授权头:

    public class JTVFilter implements Filter {
     	public static final String AUTH_HEADER = "Authorization";
     	private static final String AUTHSERVER_URI = "http://localhost:9080/mfp/api"; //Set here your authorization server URI
     	private static final String CLIENT_ID = "jtv"; //Set here your confidential client ID
     	private static final String CLIENT_SECRET = "jtv"; //Set here your confidential client SECRET
     	private TokenValidationManager validator;
     	private FilterConfig filterConfig = null;
     	public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
     		URI uri = null;
     		try {
     			uri = new URI(AUTHSERVER_URI);
     			validator = new TokenValidationManager(uri, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET);
     			this.filterConfig = filterConfig;
     		} catch (Exception e1) {
     			System.out.println("Error reading introspection URI");
     	public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain filterChain) throws IOException, ServletException {
     		String expectedScope = filterConfig.getInitParameter("scope");
     		HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) req;
     		HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse = (HttpServletResponse) res;
     		String authCredentials = httpServletRequest.getHeader(AUTH_HEADER);
     		try {
     			TokenValidationResult tokenValidationRes = validator.validate(authCredentials, expectedScope);
     			if (tokenValidationRes.getAuthenticationError() != null) {
     				// Error
     				AuthenticationError error = tokenValidationRes.getAuthenticationError();
     				httpServletResponse.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", error.getAuthenticateHeader());
     			} else if (tokenValidationRes.getIntrospectionData() != null) {
     				// Success
     				httpServletRequest.setAttribute("introspection-data", tokenValidationRes.getIntrospectionData());
     				filterChain.doFilter(req, res);
     		} catch (TokenValidationException e) {
  3. 在 servlet 的 web.xml 文件中,声明 JTVFilter 的实例,并传递 scopeaccessRestricted 作为参数:


    然后,使用过滤器保护 servlet:



您可以在受支持的应用程序服务器(Tomcat、WebSphere Application Server Full Profile 和 WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile)上部署项目。
下载简单 Java servlet


  1. 确保更新保密客户机和 MobileFirst Operations Console 中的密钥值。
  2. 部署安全性检查:UserLoginPinCodeAttempts
  3. 注册匹配应用程序。
  4. accessRestricted 作用域映射到安全性检查。
  5. 更新客户机应用程序以针对 servlet URL 生成 WLResourceRequest
Inclusive terminology note: The Mobile First Platform team is making changes to support the IBM® initiative to replace racially biased and other discriminatory language in our code and content with more inclusive language. While IBM values the use of inclusive language, terms that are outside of IBM's direct influence are sometimes required for the sake of maintaining user understanding. As other industry leaders join IBM in embracing the use of inclusive language, IBM will continue to update the documentation to reflect those changes.
Last modified on June 01, 2020