Mobile Foundation released

We are pleased to announce the continuous delivery (CD) update 7 for Mobile Foundation v8.0. This update includes the addition of several new features across various components of Mobile Foundation.

To learn more about the continuous delivery support model, refer to the Mobile Foundation v8.0 CD support announcement.

What is included in this CD update

This CD update is cumulative and includes fixes and features included in all previous CD Updates and iFixes released since the last CD update ( See the list of iFixes.

Features included in this CD update

Below is the list of major features included in this CD update.

Features introduced with this CD update

Live Update

Live Update service is now available for Mobile Foundation on-premise

Live Update feature in Mobile Foundation provides a simple way to define and serve different configurations for users of an application. This is now available as a service that can be installed on-premise. For more details, see here.


Analytics Receiver is now available for Mobile Foundation on-premise

Analytics Receiver is an optional service that can be set up to receive event logs from mobile applications and forward them to Analytics in a phased manner using an in-memory event queue. This is now available as a service that can be installed on-premise. Analytics Receiver component can now be installed using Installation Manager. For more details, see here.

Custom Chart Filter tab in Mobile Analytics

The Custom Chart Filter tab in Mobile Analytics console has now been enhanced to allow users to optionally search for custom property values instead of choosing from a drop-down list of values. This is particularly useful when there is a vast variety of property values to choose from for a given property.

OAuth implementation for Analytics Receiver

Additional Analytics Receiver configurations are introduced to implement OAuth, such as receiver.authorization.server.url, and receiver.authorization.client.secret. For more details, see here.


Introducing API Connector

Secure invocation of microservices through Mobile Foundation is now possible without using adapters by using API Connector. To learn more about API Connector, see here.

Deploying Mobile Analytics across multiple OpenShift nodes

Multi-node discovery now allows for Mobile Analytics to be deployed across multiple OpenShift nodes.

Support for FCM v19 and above

The iFix IF202006021507 adds support for Firebase Cloud Messaging SDK v19 and above.

HTTP/2 support for APNS

HTTP/2 support is default from iFIX

Node.js based odo component for Microservice integration

The iFix IF202006021507 introduces a Node.js based odo custom component. Developers can use this component to develop backend for frontend (BFF) or backend microservices that integrate with Mobile Foundation services on Red Hat OpenShift. For more information about the odo component, see here.

Updates to Tekton pipelines

The Mobile Foundation tekton pipelines shipped as part of Cloud Pak For Apps has now been enhanced to parameterize the inputs. A new pipeline for testing mobile apps with Bitbar has been added. For more information, see here.

React Native SDKs for Live Update

This iFix introduces React Native SDKs for the Live Update service. The React Native SDKs are published on npm. For more information about Live Update, see here. You can find the API reference for the new SDK here.

DevKit for MacOS is now available as a zip file

DevKit for MacOS is now available as a zip file. To install, you only need to download and unzip the file. Run the DevKit from the extracted folder. There is no installation required.

Web Push Notifications

Support for Web Push Notifications. Learn more about sending notifications to web platforms.

Update to use WKWebView

Model Update and Direct Update has been updated to use WKWebView instead of the deprecated UIWebView in compliance with the Apple App Store guidelines.

Adapter grouping

Support for adapter grouping. Adapter grouping feature enables you to group resource adapters and run them on a set of Mobile Foundation nodes. The adapter group can be scaled by adding more nodes to the group, based on the adapter load. Learn more.

Tekton pipelines for automating common DevOps tasks

Mobile Foundation in Cloud Pak for Apps is now bundled with Tekton pipelines for automating common DevOps tasks. Learn more.

DB2 v11.5 software bundle update for Mobile Foundation V8.0

With this CD Update of Mobile Foundation v8.0, we are updating the license to DB2 11.5, which is available as part of the iFix Customers can log in to Passport Advantage using their IBM credentials and download the DB2 11.5 software bundle. You can read about the functionality of DB2 servers here and follow the documentation for upgrading to DB2 11.5.

Deprecations in this CD update

Below is the list of deprecations in this CD update.

Support for the following platforms/OS/dependencies will be deprecated in this CD Update ( and will NOT be supported after 31 Dec, 2020.

Note: The following list is exclusive of the version mentioned, for example,deprecation of versions older than iOS 11 will mean iOS 11 will be supported but not iOS 10.x


  • Support for iOS versions prior to iOS 11 is deprecated.
  • Support for XCode version prior to 10.2 is deprecated.


Minimum supported API level of Android is API 21 / Android 5.0 /Lollipop.


Deprecating support for all versions of Windows and Windows mobile except Windows UWP.


Deprecating support for versions of Cordova below, cordova-ios@5.x + cordova-android@8.x +


Deprecating support for all versions of Ionic below Ionic 3.

mfpdev & mfpmigrate CLI

Deprecating support for versions of Node.js below 8.0.

How to upgrade

To upgrade, download & install the Developer Kit for evaluators, Developer Kit for customers / CD update package for on-prem production environment (requires login to IBM Fix Central), or refresh your Mobile Foundation service from your service Dashboard.

Client SDKs
To upgrade, run the upgrade commands for your platform.

Individual artifact build numbers in this CD update
cordova-plugin-mfp 8.0.2020081211
cordova-plugin-mfp-encrypt-utils 8.0.2019070909
cordova-plugin-mfp-fips 8.0.2019070909
cordova-plugin-mfp-jsonstore 8.0.2020022009
cordova-plugin-mfp-push 8.0.2020052609
cordova-template-mfp 8.0.2017060206
cordova-plugin-mfp-analytics 8.0.2020081211
cordova-plugin-mfp-liveupdate 8.0.202003051505 ibm-mfp-web-sdk 8.0.2020080608
passport-mfp-token-validation 8.0.2017010917
mfpdev-cli 8.0.2020081207
mfpmigrate-cli 8.0.20180813050750
IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundation 8.0.2020080510
IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundationOpenSSLUtils 8.0.2020080510
IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundationPush 8.0.2019082914
IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundationJSONStore 8.0.2020021915
IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundationAnalytics 8.0.2020080510
IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundationLiveUpdate 8.0.202003051505
ibmmobilefirstplatformfoundation 8.0.2020081208
ibmmobilefirstplatformfoundationpush 8.0.2020051312
ibmmobilefirstplatformfoundationjsonstore 8.0.2019082807
IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundationAnalytics 8.0.2020081208
adapter-maven-plugin 8.0.2020080406
adapter-maven-archetype-sql 8.0.2020080406
adapter-maven-archetype-java 8.0.2020080406
adapter-maven-archetype-http 8.0.2020080406
adapter-maven-api 8.0.2020080406
mfp-security-checks-base 8.0.2018030404
mfp-java-token-validator 8.0.2017020112
IBMMobileFirstPlatform Foundation 8.0.2020062206
IBM MobileFirstPlatform Push SDK 8.0.2020013116
IBMMobileFirstPlatform SDK 8.0.2020061906
react-native-ibm-mobilefirst 8.0.2020062511
react-native-ibm-mobilefirst-jsonstore 8.0.2020062511
react-native-ibm-mobilefirst-push 8.0.2020032412
IBM.MobileFirstPlatformFoundation 8.0.2020062206
IBM.MobileFirstPlatformFoundationPush 8.0.2020013116
Inclusive terminology note: The Mobile First Platform team is making changes to support the IBM® initiative to replace racially biased and other discriminatory language in our code and content with more inclusive language. While IBM values the use of inclusive language, terms that are outside of IBM's direct influence are sometimes required for the sake of maintaining user understanding. As other industry leaders join IBM in embracing the use of inclusive language, IBM will continue to update the documentation to reflect those changes.
Last modified on September 24, 2020