JSONStore 代码示例

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var collectionName = 'people';

// Object that defines all the collections.
var collections = {

  // Object that defines the 'people' collection.
  people : {

    // Object that defines the Search Fields for the 'people' collection.
    searchFields : {name: 'string', age: 'integer'}

// Optional options object.
var options = {

  // Optional username, default 'jsonstore'.
  username : 'carlos',

  // Optional password, default no password.
  password : '123',

  // Optional local key generation flag, default false.
  localKeyGen : false

WL.JSONStore.init(collections, options)

.then(function () {

  // Data to add, you probably want to get
  // this data from a network call (e.g. Adapter).
  var data = [{name: 'carlos', age: 10}];

  // Optional options for add.
  var addOptions = {

    // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default true.
    markDirty: true

  // Get an accessor to the people collection and add data.
  return WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).add(data, addOptions);

.then(function (numberOfDocumentsAdded) {
  // Add was successful.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
   // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations (init, add).

查找 - 找到存储区中的文档

var collectionName = 'people';

// Find all documents that match the queries.
var queryPart1 = WL.JSONStore.QueryPart()
                   .equal('name', 'carlos')
                   .lessOrEqualThan('age', 10)

var options = {
  // Returns a maximum of 10 documents, default no limit.
  limit: 10,

  // Skip 0 documents, default no offset.
  offset: 0,

  // Search fields to return, default: ['_id', 'json'].
  filter: ['_id', 'json'],

  // How to sort the returned values, default no sort.
  sort: [{name: WL.constant.ASCENDING}, {age: WL.constant.DESCENDING}]


// Alternatives:
// - findById(1, options) which locates documents by their _id field
// - findAll(options) which returns all documents
// - find({'name': 'carlos', age: 10}, options) which finds all documents
// that match the query.
.advancedFind([queryPart1], options)

.then(function (arrayResults) {
  // arrayResults = [{_id: 1, json: {name: 'carlos', age: 99}}]

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

替换 - 更改已存储在集合内的文档

var collectionName = 'people';

// Documents will be located with their '_id' field 
// and replaced with the data in the 'json' field.
var docs = [{_id: 1, json: {name: 'carlitos', age: 99}}];

var options = {

  // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default true.
  markDirty: true


.replace(docs, options)

.then(function (numberOfDocumentsReplaced) {
  // Handle success.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

移除 - 删除所有匹配查询的文档

var collectionName = 'people';

// Remove all documents that match the queries.
var queries = [{_id: 1}];

var options = {

  // Exact match (true) or fuzzy search (false), default fuzzy search.
  exact: true,

  // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default true.
  markDirty: true


.remove(queries, options)

.then(function (numberOfDocumentsRemoved) {
  // Handle success.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

计数 - 获取匹配查询的文档总数

var collectionName = 'people';

// Count all documents that match the query.
// The default query is '{}' which will 
// count every document in the collection.
var query = {name: 'carlos'}; 
var options = {

  // Exact match (true) or fuzzy search (false), default fuzzy search.
  exact: true


.count(query, options)

.then(function (numberOfDocumentsThatMatchedTheQuery) {
  // Handle success.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

销毁 - 擦除所有用户的数据、销毁内部存储器并清除安全性工件


.then(function () {
  // Handle success.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

安全性 - 关闭当前用户所有打开的集合的访问权


.then(function () {
  // Handle success.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

安全性 - 更改用于访问存储区的密码

// The password should be user input. 
// It is hard-coded in the example for brevity.
var oldPassword = '123';
var newPassword = '456';

var clearPasswords = function () {
  oldPassword = null;
  newPassword = null;

// Default username if none is passed is: 'jsonstore'.
var username = 'carlos';

WL.JSONStore.changePassword(oldPassword, newPassword, username)

.then(function () {

  // Make sure you do not leave the password(s) in memory.

  // Handle success.

.fail(function (errorObject) {

  // Make sure you do not leave the password(s) in memory.

  // Handle failure.

推送 - 获取标记为脏的所有文档,并将它们发送到适配器,然后标记为干净

var collectionName = 'people';
var dirtyDocs;
.then(function (arrayOfDirtyDocuments) {
  // Handle getAllDirty success.
  dirtyDocs = arrayOfDirtyDocuments;
  var procedure = 'procedure-name-1';
  var adapter = 'adapter-name';
  var resource = new WLResourceRequest("adapters/" + adapter + "/" + procedure, WLResourceRequest.GET);
  resource.setQueryParameter('params', [dirtyDocs]);
  return resource.send();	
.then(function (responseFromAdapter) {
  // Handle invokeProcedure success.
  // You may want to check the response from the adapter
  // and decide whether or not to mark documents as clean.
  return WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).markClean(dirtyDocs);
.then(function () {
  // Handle markClean success.
.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

拉取 - 从适配器获取新数据

var collectionName = 'people';
var adapter = 'adapter-name';
var procedure = 'procedure-name-2';
var resource = new WLResourceRequest("adapters/" + adapter + "/" + procedure, WLResourceRequest.GET);
.then(function (responseFromAdapter) {
  // Handle invokeProcedure success.
  // The following example assumes that the adapter returns an arrayOfData,
  // (which is not returned by default),
  // as part of the invocationResult object,
  // with the data that you want to add to the collection.
  var data = responseFromAdapter.responseJSON
  // Example:
  // data = [{id: 1, ssn: '111-22-3333', name: 'carlos'}];
  var changeOptions = {
    // The following example assumes that 'id' and 'ssn' are search fields,
    // default will use all search fields
    // and are part of the data that is received.
    replaceCriteria : ['id', 'ssn'],
    // Data that does not exist in the Collection will be added, default false.
    addNew : true,
    // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default false.
    markDirty : false
  return WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).change(data, changeOptions);
.then(function () {
  // Handle change success.
.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.


var collectionName = 'people';
var doc = {_id: 1, json: {name: 'carlitos', age: 99}};



.then(function (isDocumentDirty) {
  // Handle success.

  // isDocumentDirty - true if dirty, false otherwise.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.


var collectionName = 'people';



.then(function (numberOfDirtyDocuments) {
  // Handle success.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.


var collectionName = 'people';



.then(function () {
  // Handle success.

  // Note: You must call the 'init' API to re-use the empty collection.
  // See the 'clear' API if you just want to remove all data that is inside.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.


var collectionName = 'people';



.then(function () {
  // Handle success.

  // Note: You might want to use the 'removeCollection' API
  // instead if you want to change the search fields.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.



.then(function () {
  // Handle startTransaction success.
  // You can call every JSONStore API method except:
  // init, destroy, removeCollection, and closeAll.

  var data = [{name: 'carlos'}];

  return WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).add(data);

.then(function () {

  var docs = [{_id: 1, json: {name: 'carlos'}}];

  return WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).remove(docs);

.then(function () {

  return WL.JSONStore.commitTransaction();

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operation.
  //(startTransaction, add, remove).


  .then(function () {
    // Handle rollback success.

  .fail(function () {
    // Handle rollback failure.



.then(function (res) {
  //res => [{isEncrypted : true, name : carlos, size : 3072}]

  .fail(function () {
  // Handle failure.

使用 like、rightLike 和 leftLike 执行搜索

// Match all records that contain the search string on both sides.
// %searchString%
var arr1 = WL.JSONStore.QueryPart().like('name', 'ca');  // returns {name: 'carlos', age: 10}
var arr2 = WL.JSONStore.QueryPart().like('name', 'los');  // returns {name: 'carlos', age: 10}

// Match all records that contain the search string on the left side and anything on the right side.
// searchString%
var arr1 = WL.JSONStore.QueryPart().rightLike('name', 'ca');  // returns {name: 'carlos', age: 10}
var arr2 = WL.JSONStore.QueryPart().rightLike('name', 'los');  // returns nothing

// Match all records that contain the search string on the right side and anything on the left side.
// %searchString
var arr = WL.JSONStore.QueryPart().leftLike('name', 'ca');  // returns nothing
var arr2 = WL.JSONStore.QueryPart().leftLike('name', 'los');  // returns {name: 'carlos', age: 10}



// Create the collections object that will be initialized.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStoreCollection alloc] initWithName:@"people"];
[people setSearchField:@"name" withType:JSONStore_String];
[people setSearchField:@"age" withType:JSONStore_Integer];

// Optional options object.
JSONStoreOpenOptions* options = [JSONStoreOpenOptions new];
[options setUsername:@"carlos"]; //Optional username, default 'jsonstore'
[options setPassword:@"123"]; //Optional password, default no password

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError *error = nil;

// Open the collections.
[[JSONStore sharedInstance] openCollections:@[people] withOptions:options error:&error];

// Add data to the collection
NSArray* data = @[ @{@"name" : @"carlos", @"age": @10} ];
int newDocsAdded = [[people addData:data andMarkDirty:YES withOptions:nil error:&error] intValue];
Initialize with a secure random token from the server
[WLSecurityUtils getRandomStringFromServerWithBytes:32
                 completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response,
                                     NSData *data,
                                     NSError *connectionError) {

  // You might want to see the response and the connection error
  // before moving forward.

  // Get the secure random string by using the data that is
  // returned from the generator on the server.
  NSString* secureRandom = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

  JSONStoreCollection* ppl = [[JSONStoreCollection alloc] initWithName:@"people"];
  [ppl setSearchField:@"name" withType:JSONStore_String];
  [ppl setSearchField:@"age" withType:JSONStore_Integer];

  // Optional options object.
  JSONStoreOptions* options = [JSONStoreOptions new];
  [options setUsername:@"carlos"]; //Optional username, default 'jsonstore'
  [options setPassword:@"123"]; //Optional password, default no password
  [options setSecureRandom:secureRandom]; //Optional, default one will be generated locally

  // This points to an error if one occurs.
  NSError *error = nil;

  [[JSONStore sharedInstance] openCollections:@[ppl] withOptions:options error:&error];

  // Other JSONStore operations (e.g. add, remove, replace, etc.) go here.

查找 - 找到存储区中的文档

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError *error = nil;

// Add additional find options (optional).
JSONStoreQueryOptions* options = [JSONStoreQueryOptions new];
[options setLimit:@10]; // Returns a maximum of 10 documents, default no limit.
[options setOffset:@0]; // Skip 0 documents, default no offset.

// Search fields to return, default: ['_id', 'json'].
[options filterSearchField:@"_id"];
[options filterSearchField:@"json"];

// How to sort the returned values , default no sort.
[options sortBySearchFieldAscending:@"name"];
[options sortBySearchFieldDescending:@"age"];

// Find all documents that match the query part.
JSONStoreQueryPart* queryPart1 = [[JSONStoreQueryPart alloc] init];
[queryPart1 searchField:@"name" equal:@"carlos"];
[queryPart1 searchField:@"age" lessOrEqualThan:@10];

NSArray* results = [people findWithQueryParts:@[queryPart1] andOptions:options error:&error];

// results = @[ @{@"_id" : @1, @"json" : @{ @"name": @"carlos", @"age" : @10}} ];

for (NSDictionary* result in results) {

  NSString* name = [result valueForKeyPath:@"json.name"]; // carlos.
  int age = [[result valueForKeyPath:@"json.age"] intValue]; // 10
  NSLog(@"Name: %@, Age: %d", name, age);

替换 - 更改已存储在集合内的文档

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// Find all documents that match the queries.
NSArray* docs = @[ @{@"_id" : @1, @"json" : @{ @"name": @"carlitos", @"age" : @99}} ];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError *error = nil;

// Perform the replacement.
int docsReplaced = [[people replaceDocuments:docs andMarkDirty:NO error:&error] intValue];

移除 - 删除所有匹配查询的文档

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError *error = nil;

// Find document with _id equal to 1 and remove it.
int docsRemoved = [[people removeWithIds:@[@1] andMarkDirty:NO error:&error] intValue];

计数 - 获取匹配查询的文档总数

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// Count all documents that match the query.
// The default query is @{} which will
// count every document in the collection.
JSONStoreQueryPart *queryPart = [[JSONStoreQueryPart alloc] init];
[queryPart searchField:@"name" equal:@"carlos"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError *error = nil;

// Perform the count.
int countResult = [[people countWithQueryParts:@[queryPart] error:&error] intValue];

销毁 - 擦除所有用户的数据、销毁内部存储器并清除安全性工件

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError *error = nil;

// Perform the destroy.
[[JSONStore sharedInstance] destroyDataAndReturnError:&error];

安全性 - 关闭当前用户所有打开的集合的访问权

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError *error = nil;

// Close access to all collections in the store.
[[JSONStore sharedInstance] closeAllCollectionsAndReturnError:&error];

安全性 - 更改用于访问存储区的密码

// The password should be user input.
// It is hardcoded in the example for brevity.
NSString* oldPassword = @"123";
NSString* newPassword = @"456";
NSString* username = @"carlos";

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError *error = nil;

// Perform the change password operation.
[[JSONStore sharedInstance] changeCurrentPassword:oldPassword withNewPassword:newPassword forUsername:username error:&error];

// Remove the passwords from memory.
oldPassword = nil;
newPassword = nil;

推送 - 获取标记为脏的所有文档,并将它们发送到适配器,然后标记为干净

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs
NSError* error = nil;

// Return all documents marked dirty
NSArray* dirtyDocs = [people allDirtyAndReturnError:&error];

// ACTION REQUIRED: Handle the dirty documents here
// (e.g. send them to an adapter).

// Mark dirty documents as clean
int numCleaned = [[people markDocumentsClean:dirtyDocs error:&error] intValue];

拉取 - 从适配器获取新数据

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError *error = nil;

// ACTION REQUIRED: Get data (e.g. Adapter).
// For this example, it is hardcoded.
NSArray* data = @[ @{@"id" : @1, @"ssn": @"111-22-3333", @"name": @"carlos"} ];

int numChanged = [[people changeData:data withReplaceCriteria:@[@"id", @"ssn"] addNew:YES markDirty:NO error:&error] intValue];


// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError *error = nil;

// Check if document with _id '1' is dirty.
BOOL isDirtyResult = [people isDirtyWithDocumentId:1 error:&error];


// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError *error = nil;

// Check if document with _id '1' is dirty.
int dirtyDocsCount = [[people countAllDirtyDocumentsWithError:&error] intValue];


// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError *error = nil;

// Remove the collection.
[people removeCollectionWithError:&error];


// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError *error = nil;

// Remove the collection.
[people clearCollectionWithError:&error];


// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// These objects will point to errors if they occur.
NSError* error = nil;
NSError* addError = nil;
NSError* removeError = nil;

// You can call every JSONStore API method inside a transaction except:
// open, destroy, removeCollection and closeAll.
[[JSONStore sharedInstance] startTransactionAndReturnError:&error];

[people addData:@[ @{@"name" : @"carlos"} ] andMarkDirty:NO withOptions:nil error:&addError];

[people removeWithIds:@[@1] andMarkDirty:NO error:&removeError];

if (addError != nil || removeError != nil) {

  // Return the store to the state before start transaction was called.
  [[JSONStore sharedInstance] rollbackTransactionAndReturnError:&error];
} else {
  // Commit the transaction thus ensuring atomicity.
  [[JSONStore sharedInstance] commitTransactionAndReturnError:&error];


// This object will point to an error if one occurs
NSError* error = nil;

// Returns information about files JSONStore uses to persist data.
NSArray* results = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] fileInfoAndReturnError:&error];
// => [{@"isEncrypted" : @(true), @"name" : @"carlos", @"size" : @3072}]



// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  List<JSONStoreCollection> collections = new LinkedList<JSONStoreCollection>();
  // Create the collections object that will be initialized.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection = new JSONStoreCollection("people");
  peopleCollection.setSearchField("name", SearchFieldType.STRING);
  peopleCollection.setSearchField("age", SearchFieldType.INTEGER);

  // Optional options object.
  JSONStoreInitOptions initOptions = new JSONStoreInitOptions();
  // Optional username, default 'jsonstore'.
  // Optional password, default no password.

  // Open the collection.

  WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).openCollections(collections, initOptions);

  // Add data to the collection.
  JSONObject newDocument = new JSONObject("{name: 'carlos', age: 10}");
  JSONStoreAddOptions addOptions = new JSONStoreAddOptions();
  peopleCollection.addData(newDocument, addOptions);
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations (init, add).
  throw ex;
} catch (JSONException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any JSON parsing issues.
throw ex;


// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

// Do an AsyncTask because networking cannot occur inside the activity.
AsyncTask<Context, Void, Void> aTask = new AsyncTask<Context, Void, Void>() {
  protected Void doInBackground(Context... params) {
    final Context context = params[0];

    // Create the request listener that will have the
    // onSuccess and onFailure callbacks:
    WLRequestListener listener = new WLRequestListener() {
      public void onFailure(WLFailResponse failureResponse) {
        // Handle Failure.

      public void onSuccess(WLResponse response) {
        String secureRandom = response.getResponseText();

        try {
          List<JSONStoreCollection> collections = new LinkedList<JSONStoreCollection>();
          // Create the collections object that will be initialized.
          JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection = new JSONStoreCollection("people");
          peopleCollection.setSearchField("name", SearchFieldType.STRING);
          peopleCollection.setSearchField("age", SearchFieldType.INTEGER);

          // Optional options object.
          JSONStoreInitOptions initOptions = new JSONStoreInitOptions();

          // Optional username, default 'jsonstore'.

          // Optional password, default no password.


          // Open the collection.
          WLJSONStore.getInstance(context).openCollections(collections, initOptions);

          // Other JSONStore operations (e.g. add, remove, replace, etc.) go here.
        catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
          // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations (init, add).
          ex.printStackTrace();        }

    // Get the secure random from the server:
    // The length of the random string, in bytes (maximum is 64 bytes).
    int byteLength = 32;
    SecurityUtils.getRandomStringFromServer(byteLength, context, listener);
    return null;

查找 - 找到存储区中的文档

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  JSONStoreQueryParts findQuery = new JSONStoreQueryParts();
  JSONStoreQueryPart part = new JSONStoreQueryPart();
  part.addLike("name", "carlos");
  part.addLessThan("age", 99);

  // Add additional find options (optional).
  JSONStoreFindOptions findOptions = new JSONStoreFindOptions();

  // Returns a maximum of 10 documents, default no limit.
  // Skip 0 documents, default no offset.

  // Search fields to return, default: ['_id', 'json'].

  // How to sort the returned values, default no sort.

  // Find documents that match the query.
  List<JSONObject> results = peopleCollection.findDocuments(findQuery, findOptions);
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations
  throw ex;

替换 - 更改已存储在集合内的文档

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Documents will be located with their '_id' field 
  //and replaced with the data in the 'json' field.
  JSONObject replaceDoc = new JSONObject("{_id: 1, json: {name: 'carlitos', age: 99}}");

  // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default true.
  JSONStoreReplaceOptions replaceOptions = new JSONStoreReplaceOptions();

  // Replace the document.
  peopleCollection.replaceDocument(replaceDoc, replaceOptions);
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.
  throw ex;

移除 - 删除所有匹配查询的文档

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Documents will be located with their '_id' field.
  int id = 1;

  JSONStoreRemoveOptions removeOptions = new JSONStoreRemoveOptions();

  // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default true.

  // Replace the document.
  peopleCollection.removeDocumentById(id, removeOptions);
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations
  throw ex;
catch (JSONException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any JSON parsing issues.
  throw ex;

计数 - 获取匹配查询的文档总数

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Count all documents that match the query.
  JSONStoreQueryParts countQuery = new JSONStoreQueryParts();
  JSONStoreQueryPart part = new JSONStoreQueryPart();

  // Exact match.
  part.addEqual("name", "carlos");

  // Replace the document.
  int resultCount = peopleCollection.countDocuments(countQuery);
  JSONObject doc = peopleCollection.findDocumentById(resultCount);
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  throw ex;

销毁 - 擦除所有用户的数据、销毁内部存储器并清除安全性工件

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Destroy the Store.
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations
  throw ex;

安全性 - 关闭当前用户所有打开的集合的访问权

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Close access to all collections.
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.
  throw ex;

安全性 - 更改用于访问存储区的密码

// The password should be user input. 
// It is hard-coded in the example for brevity.
String username = "carlos";
String oldPassword = "123";
String newPassword = "456";

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).changePassword(oldPassword, newPassword, username);
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.
  throw ex;
finally {
  // It is good practice to not leave passwords in memory
  oldPassword = null;
  newPassword = null;

推送 - 获取标记为脏的所有文档,并将它们发送到适配器,然后标记为干净

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Check if document with _id 3 is dirty.
  List<JSONObject> allDirtyDocuments = peopleCollection.findAllDirtyDocuments();

  // Handle the dirty documents here (e.g. calling an adapter).

}  catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations
  throw ex;

拉取 - 从适配器获取新数据

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Pull data here and place in newDocs. For this example, it is hard-coded.
  List<JSONObject> newDocs = new ArrayList<JSONObject>();
  JSONObject doc = new JSONObject("{id: 1, ssn: '111-22-3333', name: 'carlos'}");

  JSONStoreChangeOptions changeOptions = new JSONStoreChangeOptions();

  // Data that does not exist in the collection will be added, default false.

  // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default false.

  // The following example assumes that 'id' and 'ssn' are search fields, 
  // default will use all search fields
  // and are part of the data that is received.

  int changed = peopleCollection.changeData(newDocs, changeOptions);
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.
  throw ex;
catch (JSONException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any JSON parsing issues.
  throw ex;


// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Check if document with id '3' is dirty.
  boolean isDirty = peopleCollection.isDocumentDirty(3); 
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.
  throw ex;


// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Get the count of all dirty documents in the people collection.
  int totalDirty = peopleCollection.countAllDirtyDocuments();
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.
  throw ex;


// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Remove the collection. The collection object is
  // no longer usable.
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.
  throw ex;


// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Clear the collection.
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.
  throw ex;


// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");


  JSONObject docToAdd = new JSONObject("{name: 'carlos', age: 99}");
  // Find documents that match query.

  //Remove added doc.
  int id = 1;

catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.

  // An exception occured. Take care of it to prevent further damage.

  throw ex;
catch (JSONException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any JSON parsing issues.

  // An exception occured. Take care of it to prevent further damage.

  throw ex;


Context ctx = getContext();
List<JSONStoreFileInfo> allFileInfo = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getFileInfo();

for(JSONStoreFileInfo fileInfo : allFileInfo) {
  long fileSize = fileInfo.getFileSizeBytes();
  String username = fileInfo.getUsername();
  boolean isEncrypted = fileInfo.isEncrypted();
Inclusive terminology note: The Mobile First Platform team is making changes to support the IBM® initiative to replace racially biased and other discriminatory language in our code and content with more inclusive language. While IBM values the use of inclusive language, terms that are outside of IBM's direct influence are sometimes required for the sake of maintaining user understanding. As other industry leaders join IBM in embracing the use of inclusive language, IBM will continue to update the documentation to reflect those changes.
Last modified on March 23, 2018