Remember Me

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In this tutorial, you implement a Remember Me feature in a hybrid application where, when trying to access a protected resource, the user is presented with a login screen. The login screen includes a check box labeled Remember Me. If the user does not select the check box, the session remains open for a short period of time (2 hours, for example). If the user selects the check box, the client is trusted for a longer period (2 weeks, for example).

To better understand this advanced tutorial, first make sure to understand the following prerequisites:



Important: This is only one of many possible ways to build such a scenario.
You might need to adapt it to your specific needs.

The simple scenario without the Remember Me feature is similar to the Custom Authentication tutorial:

  1. The client tries to access a protected resource.
  2. The authenticator sends a challenge to the client.
  3. The client answers the challenge with a user name and password.
  4. The authenticator extracts the credentials.
  5. The Login Module validates and creates a user identity.
  6. The client has access to the protected resource.

With the Remember Me check box, the steps become:

  1. The client tries to access a protected resource.
  2. The authenticator looks up the client ID in a remote data storage (Cloudant).
  3. If the client is found, the Login Module creates a user identity and the client has immediate access to the protected resource.
  4. If the client is not found, the authenticator sends the challenge to the client.
  5. The client answers the challenge with a username, password, and remember-me check.
  6. The authenticator validates the credentials and saves the client ID to the remote data storage (Cloudant).
  7. The Login Module creates a user identity.
  8. The client has access to the protected resource.

Note: Cloudant is used here as the remote storage. However, you can easily change this default choice to your preferred database or to any other type of remote storage.


Login Module

The login module is usually responsible for checking the user credentials and creating the user identity. However, in this example you need only the login module to create the user identity, while the rest of the logic happens in the authenticator. The standard NonValidatingLoginModule is good enough to achieve this.

<loginModules><br />
	<!-- Use expirationInSeconds to set the session timeout when NOT using rememberMe  -->
	<loginModule name="CustomLoginModule" expirationInSeconds="30">

In previous versions of IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation, the logged-in state of clients was entirely dependent on an HTTP session. After logging in, the end user remained logged in only as long as the HTTP session was alive. If either the client restarted, or the HTTP session ended, the end user was automatically logged out.
In version 7.1 and later, the session-independent mode decouples the link between the logged-in state and HTTP sessions, so that interaction between client and MobileFirst Server is no longer session-dependent. This feature enables you to take down a server without breaking user sessions.

The expirationInSeconds parameter is a built-in setting to determine how long the user session is valid. In this example, the value of this parameter is the default expiration when the user does not select Remember Me. To make testing easier, the expiration value is set to 30 seconds here, but in a real application you would probably want to use a longer expiration time, such as one hour...


	<realm name="CustomRealm" loginModule="CustomLoginModule">
		<!-- Set the number of days to remember when the user checks rememberMe -->
		<parameter name="rememberMeExpirationInDays" value="3"/>

The realm uses the loginModule that was defined in the Login Module section and the class that you will define in the Custom authenticator section.
A custom parameter called rememberMeExpirationInDays defines how long the client is remembered if that user selects Remember Me.

Security test

Because this example uses a Java adapter, you do not really need to define a security test (Java adapters use scopes instead of tests), but just in case it is necessary to protect other resources, create a simple security test.

	<customSecurityTest name="CustomAuthSecurityTest">
		<test realm="wl_antiXSRFRealm" />
		<test realm="wl_deviceNoProvisioningRealm" isInternalDeviceID="true" />
		<test realm="CustomRealm" isInternalUserID="true" />

The security test uses some standard realms, and uses the CustomRealm as a user realm.

Adapter code

Create a simple Java adapter with a single hello method. Protect it with the realm that you created in the Realm section.

public String hello(){
	//log message to server log"Logging info message...");
	return "Hello from the Java REST adapter";


Storing in Cloudant is optional, you can choose any database you want for this part.


Because this example uses Cloudant, client code is needed to connect to the Cloudant instance. Use the official java-cloudant client by putting cloudant-client-1.0.1-.jar in the lib folder of the server.

Cloudant credentials

  1. Create a account if you don't have one already (free trial).
  2. Create a new database (rememberme), generate a new set of API key and password for this database, and grant it read/write access.

You need to store the Cloudant credentials somewhere. An option is the file, which you can access from the custom authenticator.

#  Cloudant credentials for RememberMe sample

Cloudant uses JSON notation to store documents. To make it easier in Java, create a simple POJO to represent a "remembered client id".

public class RememberedClient {
	private String username, _id, _rev;
	private Date expiration;
//insert getters and setters

For convenience, this class also includes a getter/setter pair to map ClientID to the _id property.
public String getClientID() {
	return get_id();
public void setClientID(String clientID) {

The authenticator extends WorklightProtocolAuthenticator to inherit the simplifications provided by the Worklight protocol.

public class CustomAuthenticator extends WorklightProtocolAuthenticator {


This example uses the init method to load the configurations from the authenticatorConfig.xml and from the files. The CloudantClient and database are initialized here, too.

public void init(Map<String, String> options) throws MissingConfigurationOptionException {"CustomAuthenticator :: Initializing. options :: " + options.toString());
	String tempExpiration = options.remove(PROPERTY_EXPIRATION_DAYS);
	if(tempExpiration == null){
		throw new MissingConfigurationOptionException(PROPERTY_EXPIRATION_DAYS);
	rememberMeExpirationInDays = Integer.parseInt(tempExpiration);
	String cloudantDomain = WorklightConfiguration.getInstance().getStringProperty("cloudant.domain");
	String cloudantKey = WorklightConfiguration.getInstance().getStringProperty("cloudant.key");
	String cloudantPassword = WorklightConfiguration.getInstance().getStringProperty("cloudant.password");
	cloudant = new CloudantClient(cloudantDomain,cloudantKey,cloudantPassword);
	db = cloudant.database(CLOUDANT_DB, false);

Cloudant helper methods

Create methods to create, read, and delete remembered clients from the cloudant database.

  • The rememberClient method creates a new document in the database that stores the clientID, associated username, and expiration date.
  • The getRememberedClient method looks up a Cloudant document by ClientID. If the client is not known, the method returns null. If the client is expired, the method deletes it and returns null.
  • The forgetClient method deletes a client from Cloudant. It has 2 implementations, one of which is static so that the method can be called from outside the authenticator.
  • See the sample code for implementation details.


    The generateChallenge method is a helper method to create a JSON challenge that the client can interpret in its challenge handler.

    private AuthenticationResult generateChallenge(String errorMessage){"CustomAuthenticator :: generateChallenge");
    	AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = AuthenticationResult.createFrom(AuthenticationStatus.CLIENT_INTERACTION_REQUIRED);
    	JSONObject challengeObj = new JSONObject();
    	challengeObj.put("authStatus", "credentialsRequired");
    	challengeObj.put("errorMessage", errorMessage);
    	return authenticationResult;


    The processRequest method is where the main logic happens. This is the method that the framework calls to access a protected resource.
    The processRequest method first checks whether the client exists in the database.

  • If the request finds the client, it sends a SUCCESS result to the framework.
    public AuthenticationResult processRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
    		HttpServletResponse response, boolean isAccessToProtectedResource)
    		throws IOException, ServletException {"CustomAuthenticator :: processRequest");
    	if (!isAccessToProtectedResource){"CustomAuthenticator :: !isAccessToProtectedResource");
    		return AuthenticationResult.createFrom(AuthenticationStatus.REQUEST_NOT_RECOGNIZED);
    	String clientID = AuthenticationContext.getCurrentClientId();"CustomAuthenticator :: clientID = " + clientID);
    	RememberedClient client = getRememberedClient(clientID);
    	if(client != null){"CustomAuthenticator :: found client");
    		username = client.getUsername();
    		password = null; //Using non-validating"CustomAuthenticator :: SUCCESS from ClientID");
    		return AuthenticationResult.createFrom(AuthenticationStatus.SUCCESS);
  • If the client was not found and the current request does not already contain a challenge response, the request generates a challenge and sends it.

    JSONObject challengeResponse = (JSONObject) getChallengeResponse(request);
    if (null == challengeResponse){
    	return generateChallenge("Please enter username and password");
  • If the current request already contains the response from the challenge, it verifies the credentials (in this example, no real verification happens). It then saves the client in the database and returns SUCCESS.
    username = (String) challengeResponse.get("username");
    password = (String) challengeResponse.get("password");
    rememberMe = (Boolean) challengeResponse.get("rememberMe");"CustomAuthenticator :: rememberMe = " + rememberMe);
    if (null == username || null == password || username.length() == 0 || password.length() == 0){
    	return generateChallenge("Username and password cannot be blank");
    } else {
    	//The login module is non-validating. Do the validation here
    	//TODO: password validation against your database
    		//If all is good, backup the user/clientID
    		this.rememberClient(clientID, username);
    	}"CustomAuthenticator :: SUCCESS");
    	return AuthenticationResult.createFrom(AuthenticationStatus.SUCCESS);


The getAuthenticationData method is called by the framework to provide login credentials to the login module. In this example, the login module is non-validating, therefore the password can be ignored. The login module is used only to create a user identity in the framework.

public Map<String, Object> getAuthenticationData() {"CustomAuthenticator :: getAuthenticationData");
    Map<String, Object> authData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    authData.put(USERNAME_KEY, username);
    authData.put(PASSWORD_KEY, password);
    return authData;

Challenge handler

Because the authenticator uses the Worklight protocol, use the createWLChallengeHandler method to create the challenge handler.

var challengeHandler = WL.Client.createWLChallengeHandler("CustomRealm");

The challenge handler hides and shows the login parts of the application when required. It uses the submitChallengeAnswer method to send the credentials and the Remember Me checkbox. See the sample code for implementation details.

The client side can be adapted to a native environment.


The standard way of logging out of a realm in JavaScript is WL.Client.logout('CustomRealm'). However, after the client is logged out of the realm, the clientID is still stored in Cloudant and will be recognized immediately during the next request. This implementation could lead to unwanted behavior whereby it would be virtually impossible to log out.

To work around this issue, clear the clientId from the remote storage before logging out.

  1. In your Java adapter, add a method that uses the static forgetClient method that you created in Cloudant helper methods.

    public Response forgetMe(){
        return Response.ok().build();
  2. From the client code, make sure that you call this method before using the standard logout feature.

    function logout(){;
        var resourceRequest = new WLResourceRequest("/adapters/Content/forgetMe", WLResourceRequest.POST, 30000);
                WL.Client.logout('CustomRealm', {onSuccess:WL.Client.reloadApp});

Sample application

To run the sample, make sure that you download the cloudant JAR file and set up the credentials in the file.

Click to download the sample application.

Inclusive terminology note: The Mobile First Platform team is making changes to support the IBM® initiative to replace racially biased and other discriminatory language in our code and content with more inclusive language. While IBM values the use of inclusive language, terms that are outside of IBM's direct influence are sometimes required for the sake of maintaining user understanding. As other industry leaders join IBM in embracing the use of inclusive language, IBM will continue to update the documentation to reflect those changes.
Last modified on November 09, 2016